Moriarty: Residents Should Be Aware Of Price Gouging, Call Consumer Affairs If They Suspect Wrongdoing

Assembly Consumer Affairs Chair Paul Moriarty today asked residents to be on alert for price gouging by scheming businesses following the havoc caused by Hurricane Irene: “Scary events like Hurricane Irene tend to bring the best out in people, evidenced by the rescue efforts witnessed in many towns affected by the storm, but also the worst.”

“Residents having to deal with flooded homes or worse have to worry not only about costly repairs, but unscrupulous contractors and businesses looking to make some extra cash at the expense of people’s misery.”

“There are reports of people being charged thousands for jobs that should have cost just hundreds. There are even reports of people being overcharged for water and gasoline.”

“Residents should be aware that New Jersey law prohibits raising prices more than 10 percent during or after a state of emergency.”

“If they believe they have been overcharged for a service, they should call consumer affairs at 1-800-245-5846.” TLS.

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  1. IT’S THE LAW: Gas prices can be raised prices once every 24 hours. On the Parkway & Turnpike they can be raised once a week fafter 12:01 AM on Fridays

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