Opportunity Scholarship Act And Bill To Promote Electric Cars In NJ, To Be Heard Tomorrow

electric car.jpg2Legislation to encourage private corporations to pay for private school scholarships for low-income students in chronically failing public schools and a bill package to promote electric cars in New Jersey are on top of the Assembly’s committee agenda for tomorrow. Also on tap are hearings to update this year’s state budget situation and discuss higher education concerns and legislation to encourage local government consolidation, create a drug treatment program for nonviolent offenders and authorize free state park admission and hunting for veterans.

Highlights of the agenda include:
·        The Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow to consider the Opportunity Scholarship Act (A-2810) sponsored by Assembly Democrats Angel Fuentes (D-Camden/Gloucester) and Gary Schaer (D-Passaic/Bergen/Essex).
·        The Assembly Appropriations Committee will meet at 2 p.m. to consider a 6-bill package to promote electric car sales and usage in New Jersey (A-3647-3648-3649-3650-3651 and AR-133).
·        The panel will also consider legislation (A-2695) to authorize free state park admission and hunting for veterans. It’s sponsored by Assemblymen Matthew W. Milam and Nelson Albano (D-Atlantic/Cape May/Cumberland).
·        The Assembly Budget Committee will meet at 10 a.m. to hear from the legislative budget officer on state budget revenues and other budget concerns.
·        The Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee will meet at 10 a.m. to consider legislation sponsored by Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D-Bergen) and Craig J. Coughlin (D-Middlesex) to require health care facilities to report more data on infections to the state (A-2890).
·        The Assembly Higher Education Committee will meet at 10 a.m. to hear testimony on President Obama’s plan to have county colleges throughout the country graduate an additional 5 million students by 2020. It will also continue taking testimony on the New Jersey Higher Education Task Force’s final report.
·        The Assembly Housing and Local Government Committee will consider legislation (A-3539) sponsored by Connie Wagner (D-Bergen) and a bill (A-3587) sponsored by Wagner and Vainieri Huttle to make it easier for local governments to consolidate.
·        The Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee will consider legislation (A-3703) sponsored by Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-Mercer), Gordon Johnson (D-Bergen), Albert Coutinho (D-Essex) and Wagner to create the “Earn Your Way Out of Prison Into Supervision, Treatment and Recovery Program.” TLS.

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  1. What a waste of time and money promoting electric cars.

    The batteries only permit short trips before they must be recharged.
    The Obama administration is pushing windfarms in certain areas of the US and no private enterprise is willing to back such inefficient power scheme, so the Fed Gov’t is picking up the tab- – which translates to “We the People”

    We will be required to pay for the projects costs, including transmission lines. The cost will be paid by everyone in the US that pays an electric bill. Some say the avg bill will increase a miniimum of 100%-300%

    After every short trip the electric battery needs to be charged. Can be quite expensive, not to mention that the initial cost of the car is greater than an efficient gas powered auto.

    Batteries lose most of the capacity in cold weather, making the short trips even shorter in winter.

    Imagine driving on the Garden State Parking lot on a snowy winter day.

    A gas or diesel auto stuck in traffic that runs out of fuel can be moved simply by calling for the needed fuel, your electric car runs out of charge and you have to be towed. Can you imagine being the cause of a major traffic tie up when your little electric car battery gives up. Not to mention that the heater,defroster and wipers use power also. (burrrr)

    Wouldn’t want to be the focus of potential road rage.

    No matter what the propaganda is for electric cars,,,the technology is far away from being reliable, unless you’re just driving around the block for a newspaper.

    As for graduating a bunch more kids from Liberal indoctrination centers…take a moment to look at some interesting info…

    BHO actively recruited college students during his campaign. Most of these kids had no knowledge of politics except the propaganda pushed by the media and some radical blogs/news sources. When asked who they were voting for, most said BHO, when asked why- they referred that he ‘sounds good’ or I like his speeches. No issues mentioned.

    Now, we had Bill Aires and his wife and another of BHO’s friends down in Egypt during December 2010 riling up the ‘YOUNG’ Egyptians. (item World Net Daily.com)

    Now Egypt may fall into the hands of militant groups , that do not stomach Israel. While Egypt was not the best of friend, they will be even less friendly in the very near future.

    Getting young people riled up for a cause is becoming a pattern, so why not send more children off to indoctrination centers to be useful tools for those with an agenda.

    Our president said Egypt should listen to the protesters and do as they wish…yet, 68% of Americans were against the Healthcare bill as it was written- did he listen – NO!

    A Federal judge has ruled this measure unconstitutional,,,,has he listened? NO!

    Yet he told Egypt , they must listen to the protesters.
    Oh my…pray for the peace of Jerusalem and her inhabitants.

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