The so called conventional wisdom from the pundit class has been that Clinton will inevitably defeat a conservative Republican nominee. The reality shows this to be far from true. From the Bernie Sanders insurgency in the Democratic primary to the rise of conservative populism in the Republican party voters have shown that a populist revolt is at hand and that is bad news for Hillary.
Whether on Wall Street bailouts, International Trade agreements or illegal immigration the voters are revolting against the establishment. Clinton personifies the establishment. The NAFTA trade trade deal was negotiated by her husband. Many on the left and right have opposed trade deals which they feel do not benefit America. Many Americans feel China is taking advantage of America and that we are losing trade wars which are being waged against the country. On this issue Clinton has a history of being pro international trade deals and not being outspoken in opposition to trade deals which harm the country. While she now claims to oppose Obama trade her history would suggest this is pure pandering and another example of flip flopping. As Tuesdays election results showed the rust belt and Blue collar workers are feeling the effects of these deals and rejecting the internationalist Clinton approach.
On Wall Street, Clinton continues to support Obama’s bailouts which the Tea Party opposed. She has given expensive speeches for Wall Street firms and has received tremendous donations from them. It is silly for Clinton to claim objective party on this issue when Clinton is on their payroll. While it is wrong to demonize Wall Street, bail outs such as the TARP bail out when undeserved have been opposed by many conservatives. Clinton claims to represent main street which is clearly not the case. Clinton cannot claim the mantel of non establishment candidate.
Finally on illegal immigration something both Reagan Democrats and conservatives strongly oppose Clinton had been on the wrong side of this issue. Clinton in a recent debate voiced opposition to even Obama’s deportations of illegals. Running to the left of Obama on immigration is not a good bet this election cycle. Unlike almost all the Republican nominees Clinton seems to think the border is already secure despite ample evidence to the contrary. Border security is something people in both parties care about but to Clinton the main concern is brining people who broke the laws of this country by coming here the opportunity to become citizens seems to be the priority.
On all the main issues of this election Clinton is on the opposite side of the people. Populism is running through both parties as is opposition to the establishment. Clinton has been on the wrong side of trade, wall street bailouts and immigration. This is likely to result in a defeat of Clinton in a general election provided the Republican nominee launches an effective and clear opposition to the establishment policies of Hillary Clinton.
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I would go a step further they beats are she would lose if trump isn’t the nominee. But if trumps the nominee then all beats are off, and who know what would happen.
And don’t for get the FBI, if she’s recommend for indictment that would be huge.
I would go a step further, that bets are, she would lose if trump isn’t the nominee. But if trumps get the nomination then all bets are off, and who know what would happen.
And don’t forget the FBI, if she’s recommend for indictment that would be huge.
Um, actually, it IS inevitable.