It’s ironic how a body of nations which was established for peace after world war two, is being used to continue Hitler’s ways of persecuting the Jews and denying its right to its land and ultimately to exist.
Since 1948, the United Nations has made over 400 resolutions attacking and demonizing Israel. It seems that the United Nations sole purpose is to blast Israel at every chance it gets. Do you see the United Nations passing a resolution against the perpetrators of the fires that have swept through Israel recently?
With the appointment by President Elect Donald Trump of Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley to become the new U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, it is high time to correct the deplorable Anti-Israel Bias that has been hallmark of the United Nations for close to 70 years.
The recent UNESCO declaration of the Temple Mount, the Western Wall and Jerusalem as having no connection whatsoever to the Jewish People made the degree of the flagrant Anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic bias by a branch of the United Nations against Israel apparent to all.
UNESCO was defunded by the United States by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 for making similar outrageous pronouncements.
Where are the daily resolutions against Iran for being the world’s chief exporter of Terrorism in the world today? Where has the United Nations been while 500,000 Syrians were murdered? Where are all the resolutions against Syria? Where was the United Nations when the Rwanda Genocide took place? It seems that the United Nations is hyper-focused on Israel. This Anti-Israel Bias must end.
The United States pays the lion’s share of the funding for the United Nations-approximately 3 Billion dollars annually, which is a fifth of the budget.
The United States gives the United Nations another 5 Billion dollars annually for peacekeeping forces. China gives about 8% of the UN Budget and Japan 10%. President Elect Donald Trump and his newly appointed UN Ambassador must once and for all make it clear to the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council that if they continue Anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic resolutions, then America will pull back on its funding of the institution. Additionally, America should begin to wield its power and influence by stopping the PLO from pushing for resolutions which call for PLO Statehood without a negotiated Peace.
The United Nations has to be refocused upon the real problems in the world like Syria, Iran and ISIS. In the meantime, the President Elect and Ambassador Haley must make it abundantly clear that the United Nations should not pass any resolutions against Israel and should not call for a PLO State within pre-1967 borders.
I am confident that President Obama will continue his support of the sate of israel and will not follow the anti Semitic pressure to do a December or a January surprise allowing for PLO Statehood. Ambassador Haley has her work cut out for her. We wish her blessings and success.
By Dr. Joe Frager
Executive VP Public Policy
Orthodox Jewish Chamber Of Commerce