Opinion: They’re Only Mad Because It’s Trump l Shlomo Rudman

Whenever there is an uproar from Democrats or the mainstream media over something President Trump did, it is safe to assume that there was a Democrat who did the very same, or similar, which got no response from Democrats or the media. The latest uproar over Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president in which he requested that Ukraine work with the US in investigating possible wrongdoing by Joe Biden, is no different.

Democrats and the media have waxed poetic how Trump is a threat to national security and federal elections because he seemingly requested assistance from a foreign nation to investigate a political opponent. Regardless of the merits of their argument with regard to President Trump, where were they when the Hillary Clinton campaign did the same thing? They did? Yup, you just didn’t hear about it because the media wouldn’t cover it. And that is why you don’t know the name Alexandra Chalupa. But you should know that name, and I’ll tell you why.

Alexandra Chalupa is a DNC operative who worked in Bill Clinton’s White House. During the 2016 presidential election campaign, she worked with Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on Trump and his then-campaign manager Paul Manafort. She even connected an American “journalist”, Yahoo reporter Michael Isikoff, with Ukrainians who could help him get dirt on Trump. Chalupa shared the information she received from Ukraine with the Clinton campaign. It doesn’t stop there. The Democratic National Committee asked Chalupa to try setting up an interview with former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko to talk about Manafort’s connections with Russia. Following President Trump’s election, a Ukrainian official admitted that he was assigned with the duty of helping Chalupa get political dirt.

So now, tell me Democrats, is what Trump did so bad? Is Trump’s request to investigate possible corruption by a major American figure worse than Chalupa, the DNC, and the Hillary campaign attempting to get information on Trump for political purposes? If what Trump did should be considered asking a foreign government to interfere with American elections, what would you consider Chalupa’s actions? There are no answers. At least not good ones.

Time and again, we see Democrats and the media going ballistic over anything Trump does. They constantly look for reasons to blame Trump for anything that went wrong, and not giving credit for what is going right. At all times they are looking to impress upon the American people that Trump is a kleptocratic, wannabe dictator who disdains the rule of law, yet they flirt with misconduct all the time and have no qualms or shame in doing so. Like I wrote at the beginning of this piece, if you see the Democrats and/or mainstream media throwing a tantrum over something President Trump did, just do a little research. It is undoubtable that they are guilty of the very same.

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  1. This is a pretty simplistic article written without any knowledge of the actual laws and rules that govern the presidency. Presidential powers are not infinite nor are they absolute. We all have opinions, but some are more informed than others. Its hard for me to take an ill informed opinion seriously.

  2. Huge difference. He is a sitting US President who is calling on foreign nations to ininvestigate whereas he should be directing our agencies to look into this. Between his own admissions and the fumbling of of Rudy G he will get himself in trouble without even having to worry about an investigation.

  3. @zman that is exactly what he was doing he told him to speak to Barr about it the US can’t investigate that what happened in a foreign country without help from that foreign country.
    According to the dems anyone who commits crimes in other countries just has to tell the President and run in the dem primaries and he is off scot free.

  4. Shlomo,

    Please write an opinion piece comparing the outrage the Republican party had for what Bill Clinton did which they determined was a high crime to what they are defending Trump doing.

    It will cause everyone to burst out in laughter at the treasonous hypocritical Republican party.

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