Opinion: The Trump Revolution Is On – by Ben Avrohom

trump iranIt now appears what was once called the inevitable is no more. The GOP will not put up an establishment candidate and Jeb Bush is no longer running. Past election history would suggest Donald Trump will be the presumptive nominee and the outsider grassroots conservatives/populists will be heard loud and clear.

Donald Trump, the man who many political commentators thought would never be in the top tier -let alone win New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina – is now on a path to victory with his winning message and broad appeal throughout the country. Whether one agrees with his all his positions or not it is clear the momentum is in his court as is the potential to win the presidency of the United States.

Much ado has been made of the whole “feel the burn” movement but while Bernie Sanders has many passionate supporters and has broad leftist appeal Trumps appeal goes across party lines and demographics. As Trump famously declared upon declaring victory in Nevada “we won with young” “we won with old”, “we won with highly educated, We won with poorly educated.” His message of make America Great Again and We Need To Start Winning is resonating throughout the country and awakening what Nixon called the “silent majority”. Donald Trump has drawn people who were not involved in politics previously into the political process and has drawn Reagan Democrats/Independents into the campaign. The rallying cry of the silent majority is heard at his rallies and events and his crowds are large enough to fill up stadiums. His is not simply a political campaign but a movement which is changing politics.

What draws massive crowds and ignites a passion not seen in many other campaigns? For one, Donald Trump’s politically incorrect rhetoric is refreshing after a president who refuses to name the single biggest foreign threat facing America. Obama to date has not uttered the words “Islamic terrorism” or even “radical Islamic terrorism” for that matter. After 8 years of a president who apologized to the Islamic world, equivocated on issues of right and wrong and has waffled on international crises. Trump’s recent tweet regarding Obama’s ditching Justice Scalia’s funeral asking “Would Obama go if it was in a mosque” says it all. Whether calling for Mexico to pay for a border fence, his speaking out against the calls to allow Syrian refugees and his strong belief that America should have taken the oil after the War in Iraq his political incorrectness is just what the country is thirsting for and what the establishments of both parties fear.

Another major issue igniting tremendous energy into the race is immigration. From the launch of the Trump campaign onward Donald Trump has campaigned on a message of securing the border, deporting illegal aliens and building a wall that Mexico will pay for. Americans are overwhelmingly tired of the lack of a secure border. The blue-collar workers specifically have been impacted by the negative effects of the current immigration policies. The American working class are tired of politicians who say they will secure the border and fight amnesty and don’t follow through. Trump’s temporary ban on Muslim immigrants coming into America is overwhelmingly popular amongst the GOP’s grassroots despite establishment predictions of demise. Jeff Sessions the Senator who has championed the cause of good trade deals for America and fought against amnesty has endorsed Donald. America is asking after attacks in Paris, Boston, Chattanooga San Bernardino do Westerners and Americans in particular not have the right to question the effectiveness of the vetting done on Muslim refugees and immigrants? Is a pause until they fix the system really that outrageous? The Washington Cartel and their mainstream media enablers say yes but many voters say otherwise and this has certainly not hurt Trump’s bid for the presidency and likely propelled it.

Finally, on trade, many Americans feel that America is on the losing end of trade deals and relish the opportunity for someone experienced in deal making to negotiate trade deals. Again the American working class is disproportionately affected by NAFTA and other global trade deals. These are the people who line up behind the Trump campaign even though they are not always traditional political conservatives. This populist pro-American trade position is one which Donald Trump could potentially use to recruit some of the Sanders voters in the general election. Working class Americans want trade deals that are not primarily beneficial to the economies of Mexico or China but rather of benefit to the American economy.

The establishment has been caught off guard. The pro global trade open borders establishment is no longer complacent they know that Donald Trump cannot be defined in purely ideological terms but rather represent the populist trend sweeping America. While the argument can be made there are more experienced candidates running in the Republican party experience is not the catch phrase of this election. America wants secure borders, want American jobs to stay in America and want trade deals which are smart. To many people Donald Trump would advance these goals and ideals. It is primarily for these reasons that he is doing so well in the Republican primary and has the potential to win. As to the argument that Trump could never win a general election his ability to win over so many different demographic groups calls this argument into question. Add the potential of Sanders voters identifying with Trump’s populist message and voting for Trump and not only is Clinton not only no longer inevitable but it looks highly possible that the campaign of Make America Great Again will win.

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  1. After all the above was said: What about Mr. Trump failing to condemn a KKK leader and white supremist and only doing so after pressure? that is quite scaring

  2. His policy is not good for the Lakewood Yungerlight.
    On the other hand, I had to pay thousands of dollars for a legal immigration process, and still have to pay taxes for work and not be able to receive benefits for 5 years, so it is a bit fare to put illegal immigrants in place!

  3. Moises, Trump condemned the KKK leader 2 days prior in a news conference, immediately after it was raised. He has a history of condemning and disavowing them.

    He has many minority friends and employees and his daughter “converted” to Judaism. This is non-issue.

  4. I plan on voting for Trump but I’m afraid against Clinton he doesn’t stand a chance. But u never know ” Lev sorim umlochim biyad Hashem ”
    So time will tell

  5. Trump sounds great but I can’t vote for him. He has no idea how to govern. Some of his ideas are unconstitutional. Also, l’moshol, to evict the illegals, He would have to pass a law. That’s gonna require some Democrats and left-leaning GOP. They won’t vote with him. So it won’t happen. Many of his promises will require Senate and Congress’s approval and he won’t get it.

  6. Anyone who voted Trump has is naive and/or stupid. It’s plain and simple. Trump will say anything and do anything to get elected. Only naive people think he will help America become greater then it is already. It’s sad to see people whom I thought were smarter fall for a con artist. It’s that simple. His main policies make little sense and he doesn’t have any policies besides for the ridiculous things he spouts. He’s a man who has no moral convictions and cares for no one but Trump. To put someone like that into the highest position is having the burglar rule the jail. What do you think will get done if he is president? Only what meets his fancy and that is a scary thought. It’s not to late to say you made a mistake by supporting this guy. The sign of a great man is to admit to his mistakes

  7. Trump’s presidency would be a disaster for the Lakewood community. just look at what get stated at the aipac conference. ” I don’t need or want your ( the Jewish republicans) money. You won’t like me as I will not be your puppet.”

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