Ted Cruz has taken positions shared by many Americans of both parties, preferring an alternative to the mainstream internationalist positions of GOP establishment pundits and Neoliberal Democrats. Ted Cruz has shaken up the Republican establishment and stood sometimes alone in the Senate on the principles he was elected on. Unlike some in the political class he shows consistency and a strong set of principals.
After many years of a foreign policy where American troops were sent overseas to build democracies in cultures foreign to it, Senator Cruz has advocated a foreign policy of strength and focus. He has opposed calls to invade Syria which he feels will lead to a situation like after Iraq/Libya where US might is spent replacing one Arab dictator with other bad characters. On the Libya debacle a military action advocated by Hillary Clinton and supported by some establishment GOP Cruz has made clear that removing Quadafi was a mistake since chaos and terrorism ensued in its place. Additionally, he has called for an end to those rules of engagement which have hampered American troops. He has advocated a strong and robust foreign policy which is focused on threats to America and its allies not on spreading democracy and rebuilding Muslim countries. These are approaches supported by many Americans.
On immigration, a key issue of this election Cruz as he has stated many times stood against the Gang of 8 Amnesty bill. He has strongly opposed illegal immigration and amnesty throughout his career. In addition he has earned the support of Steve King a Republican who has lead the charge against amnesty. Many Americans, like Cruz are opposed to amnesty for illegals and are opposed to sanctuary cities as Cruz is.
On Israel, Ted Cruz has stood with Israel against terrorism. He was forceful in opposing the Iran deal which he has said he would tear up on day one. He has stood up for Israel not just in friendly territory but in hostile terrain as well. He has shown that he is a consistent and reliable friend of Israel ,he is not a career politician just talking like Clinton. He has always stood by Israel as do the majority of Americans.
On many of the main issues, Ted Cruz has shown he is on the right side of history. In addition he has not waffled on issues he feels are important and stood up as a viable alternative to the establishment and the pundits. Ted Cruz is a true conservative and is the Republican party’s chance to represent the views of the grassroots and show the voice of the people has been heard.
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