By. Jeff D. I was stopped at a red light today, when I happened to have glanced in my rear view mirror and noticed a parent smoking in her vehicle. No problem. But after noticing a young child in a rear infant seat, I said to myself, how is this legal?? I just could not believe it. I was thinking to myself, “Poor kid. He’s inhaling this second hand smoke against his will, and there’s nothing he can do about it!”
For the poor helpless child, there’s no leaving the car or telling his mother to stop pumping the cancerous smoke into him. He’s just sitting there unwillingly inhaling this smoke.
Unlike in a home which is less confined, despite the car’s window open a crack enough to flick off the ashes, the fumes in the car are just too much for the small body to handle.
I don’t mean to come across as someone who dictates to others how they should live their lives, nor do I believe in micro-management type of government intrusion when parents can’t make the proper parenting decisions on their own.
That being said, I firmly believe that smoking in a vehicle with children in it, should be illegal on our public roads and violators caught violating the law, should be heavily fined. Child endangerment is the first thing which comes to mind.
The effects of second-hand smoke, especially on fragile and developing children, are just too severe for any responsible law-maker to ignore.
It may not be agreeable to you but be careful with what you wish for. Today they are making laws as to whether you can smoke in the car with your kid. Tomorrow they are making laws as to what you can feed your kid. Be careful, it is a slippery slope.
Actually, California already has a law on the books banning smoking in a car with a minor.
I agree, it should be against the law to subject innocent children to second hand smoke, especially in a closed, confined space like a vehicle.
Alas, parents who smoke near their children are not good parents at all, how can they be? Same goes for the parents I routinely see dirving with infants on their laps, children 2-4 years old jumping around the back of a moving car, etc. This world is full of good parents and bad parents. That is not a shocking statement. How can we expect everyone to be a good parent? After all, there are good basketball players and bad basketball players. Good singers, and bad singers. Good company and bad company. Good parents and bad parents. All we can do is hope that WE are on the good side, and give our precious children the best opportunity they can get for health, happiness and success.
Smoking should be illegal PERIOD!
Smoking should be banned! Its like inhaling St Moritz Oven Cleaner in a Milder Version!!!
TZOFLOIGEN: Well said!
a car is much better ventilatd than most rooms. Car windows rock.
What is disturbing is that a parent would not have the sense NOT to smoke with their child in the car, what other things do they do that put them at risk health wise , scary ~ some people just should not be parents . If you have to be told not to do something that would hurt your child ,you obviously lack common sense
Why are we taking away more freedoms from Americans? If the smoking police get their way on this what freedom is next? Lets spend time and effort on something that is not legal like drugs or aliens.
i believe that they actually tried to do that here a few years ago. It’s not taking away civil liberties. Smoking in a confined environment with a child is reckless endangerment.
100% correct!!!!!!! but i would say for a dif reason. talking or txting while driving is illegal cuz its a distraction, well smoking is just of a distraction cuz there is ALWAYS GONNA BE THAT TIME when the cigarette falls outta ur hand while driving or the butt hits the ceiling in your car which is a really dangerous situation. just imagine trying to find that LIT cigarette from under your seat while driving- not gonna be too easy to concentrate on the road!!! Pls keep your eyes on the roads!!
First of all saying you don’t want to micro manage peoples lives doesn’t mea that’s not what you’re advocating secondly you’re point about cars not being ventilated is just plain wrong and third why do u feel u and all the commentators for that matter feel u have a right to tell other people what to do how would u feel if I started screaming and ranting that what u feed you’re kids is unhealthy and we should make laws against you?! Live and let live please!!
Not everything thats not good or wise has to become illegal, it is what it is. whats next if someone gives his kids loads of candy everyday should that be illegal if a parent lets his children outside without a coat should that be illegal? its a slippery slope the bottom line is if a parent is not beating their children everyone should mind their own business because i’m sure if i scrutinize your parenting i can find thing which we should make illegal also.
Wife & me always smoked in the car with our 3 kids. All 3 are in good health and the oldest is 46. BTW – they don’t smoke.
It is disgusting and bad for the child’s health, but then soda and candy shouldn’t be given to kids either. I know parents who are always shtupping their kids with nosh. That is terrible also. Problem is we don’t want more government in our lives. people should have their own common sense to do what’s right. Instead of making it illegal their should be more health awareness being advertised all over, on radio, TV, in the schools, newspapers etc. Some people are clueless, some are selfish,and they need to be educated. But, we do not want more gov’t. telling us what we may or may not do!
it should be illegal like not vaccinating your kids
To: Anonymous MARCH 29, 2012 AT 10:34 AM
You must me SO proud! :eye roll:
-I know infants who weren’t in safety seats come out of an accident without a scratch.
-I know people who run with scissors without harming themselves or others.
-i know parents who let their infants play with marbles, and suck on hard candies, and the kids never choked.
-I know drunk drivers who never got into car accidents.
-I know people who eat only junk foods, lots of sugar, and calories, no fruits or vegetables, and no exercise, and they are in perfect health.
-I know people who have never been to the dentist, but have beautiful white straight healthy looking teeth in their 30’s.
-I know people who never studied for tests, yet they got a 4.0 gpa.
There are exceptions to every “rule,” but they are in the MINORITY. The MAJORITY or people in these situations are not as lucky. Don’t brag about being a neglectful parent. Be thankful that you got “lucky.” (p.s. 46 is still very young)
It is illegal!! “Thou shall not Kill” !
Are you suggesting we make all those things you mentioned, illegal as well?
Number 10 is awesome!! That is exactly what happens… I don’t smoke with kids in the car, but just in general, there’s been many times where I literally jump out of my seat to fiund the lit cigarette that flew outta my hand… Hahaaha hashem watches us … The only answer