By Zev Kotel. Up until a few years ago, living in Lakewood usually meant driving to somewhere in Brooklyn for a wedding. Factor in the travel time, gas, tolls, and sitting in traffic on the Staten Island Expressway and you start to understand why Lakewood people started writing “will not attend” in the fill-in-the-blank space in the return card…but now a lot of that is water under the bridge because so many weddings are taking place right here in Lakewood, New Jersey. (And now the “will not attend” folk hail from New York…).
All kidding aside, it’s a fact that making a wedding in Lakewood is very hot nowadays. In fact, more and more out-of-towners are booking halls in Lakewood. And that’s even true when both sides are from out of town! So what’s the reason for all of this? And why is Lakewood often the better choice compared to other fine venues throughout the Tri State area?
As far as “out of town” weddings go, there are a number of clear disadvantages. For starters, a lot of people are living on the East Coast so flying everyone in and putting them up is expensive and can be very taxing on the already overburdened family. Quite often flying people in the other direction ends up being the smarter option.
Also, wedding halls are a big factor. Many communities don’t offer the Jewish owned and operated wedding halls like those found in the Tri State area. Doing a wedding in a hotel or other non-Jewish venue is often very expensive and they don’t offer the same amenities as the Jewish ones. Not that you need a dedicated Yichud room, but you do need to kasher the kitchen and tend to a number of other issues to get the place in order.
So the decision is often made to get married “in town” But where? Lakewood has not always been the place of choice, but now it often is. Over the last few years a number of very nice wedding halls have opened up in town. Today there is a nice selection of wedding halls to choose from and they vary in size and style. And, unlike what is often the case elsewhere, the Lakewood halls offer very attractive package deals that end up saving families thousands of dollars compared to the pricier New York halls. And less headache.
And aside from the added expense, the New York halls are often quite old and parking is often an issue. Of course you can provide valet parking, but that’s an added expense. On the other hand, Lakewood wedding halls are newer or renovated and many offer large parking lots with tons of space. And now that so many people have relatives living in Lakewood, there’s always a family member to help put everyone up.
To add; people from out of town want the “excuse” to come to Lakewood because they want to see their children, grandchildren and family, as so many people have in Lakewood. And not to mention all of the commodities Lakewood offers.
You are “Preaching to the Choir.” This post should be published outside of Lakewood. We locals know all of this already!
These so-called all inclusive packages are cheap, and you do sacrifice. All in, for a few dollars more you can do a “real wedding” and not feel like your on an assembly line.
A Wedding is a once in a life dream day, from experience, don’t give those dreams away for a few hundred dollars.
The caterers will work with you, a band your Chosson can be proud of will move on pricing, and great photography are not that much more over these “starter” prices.
Adding people will cost more in a package, the house flowers are missing and look used , and the service treats you like a number.
We are all on a budget, compromise elsewhere.
Been there , done that.
Nice piece on wedding halls. Parking is the biggest factor for me. But that is because i’m looking at it as an attendee.
I’m not from lakewood and I’m reading this. And so do my siblings from other states.
Weddings are already too extravagant in the frum community. Yes it’s a once in a lifetime event. And it’s also just one night of your lifetime!!! Why should parents have to save up their whole life and still go broke borrowing money for the wedding and then not have anything left for when they retire?? All so that a few hundred guests can come and be pampered and spoiled?
And plenty of the halls in Lakewood are a lot nicer then the old dated halls in Brooklyn where yes – it is also the same ‘assembly line’ wedding that you refer too.
Bravo #6!
@ burned
Why do ppl feel the need to tell others what they should spend on and what they should save?
If you were not happy ,please upgrade your pkge and ..your budget!
Most ppl are happy with spending less! Nobody’s stopping you from spending more!!
For instance, bais faiga on the lower end package and lake terrace on the upper end lock you into a band.
That’s a deal breaker, chossonim really like choosing there own music. Halls like Ateres Reva are open to allow clients to bring in their own people, and gave a credit. Simple.
Package should be a suggested vendor list.
Lakewood wedding halls have NY companies as house vendors in their packages. Why is good lakewood money supporting vendors from outside.
We have good caterers, etc.
Keeping the money local helps us all.
There are more then 10 music bands, Photographers, Florists etc… in Lakewood.
Why are the Lakewood Halls closing in on 1 or 2 choices each & throwing all the rest of them out of their hall? make a contract between each hall with all florists or photographers etc… to join the package wedding night.
whats the difference where you get married and how much your parents spend on the wedding. I know of some parents whoborrow money for the wedding just to keep up with the Jones[ or the Cohns.] I know of some brides that said to their parents instead of spending the money on a extravagant wedding why dont you give us the money for a down payment on a house. does this not make much more sense, I know I might be old fashioned but this should be the Jewish way, THE MAIN THING IS THE BOY OR GIRL THAT YOU MARRY. I wish all new couples lots of Mazl. and Hatzlocha AMEIN.
Speaking of a Jewish wedding when a Jewish couple gets married they do get a marriage license or a certificate and does it get filed in the township or state????