President Trump’s legal challenges over the November 3rd elections have failed in court. His allegations of widespread fraud and his claim of the election being stolen outright by Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, with the help of some Republicans, have not been proven, and judges have been tossing his lawsuits left and right.
But there is still a sliver of hope left for the 45th president, who hopes to remain in the White House for a second term.
That tiny measure of hope comes from Congress on January 6th, the day on which the 12th Amendment mandates that lawmakers do a final tally of the Electoral College and officially name a winner. While the results of the Electoral College are already known – Joe Biden won 306 votes and Donald Trump won 232 – there is a move that Republicans plan on making that could potentially overturn the election.
When Congressional representatives announce the results of states, a House of Representatives member can get up and object to the vote, stating why he objects and why the electors from that state should be disqualified from casting their electoral votes.
There are already a number of House Republicans who said they will do just that.
For the objection to be heard, a senator will have to join the House member in objecting. And today, Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri became the first to announce that he will join in objecting. This will set up a two-hour debate in each Congressional chamber after which they will vote separately whether to uphold or strike down the objection. If they uphold the objection, the House will then vote to elect the president and the Senate will vote to elect the vice president. In such a scenario, because of how the votes are allocated in the House, Republicans would actually have the majority of votes and Donald Trump would likely be reelected as president.
Is this scenario realistic? No. We know that there will be objections and there will be debates over those objections. But it isn’t clear that an objection would be upheld even in the Republican-controlled Senate – Mitch McConnell essentially said it wouldn’t – and it would be the greatest shock in American political history if the Democrat-led House of Representatives upholds the objections, setting up a vote for president.
Even so, President Trump is hanging his hat on the effort, with he and his supporters hoping against hope that their last chance at snatching victory from the jaws of defeat comes to fruition.
Just give up. You are looking more and more ridiculous. Go home!
The House is in the hands of the Democrats, so Biden will be President and Pence will be vice-President.
A Biden Pence administration is a lot better then with Kamala
And all the while Trump keeps collecting donations to “Fight the steal” that is just a front for a PAC that will fund whatever he wants to do with the money, while only a miniscule amount goes to legal challenges. Nice $200 million plus golden parachute. Pathetic.
It is very important that biden and the dems should’nt go into power. their liberal mentality is very against the torah in many ways. We’re hoping strong that hashem will help us. and therefore we should do now what the rabanim told us to do before nov 3rd, we should be mekabel shabbos early as a zchus.
The truth is, Biden and the Dems LOOK bad to us. But if they do come into power it will only be because that is Hashem’s plan for us, and that means that it is for our ultimate good.
We should daven and do things as a zechus that every thing Hashem does should be good for us in a way that we can see clearly that it is good, and not hidden in seemingly bad things.
If the republicans held a majority in both houses Trump would be the next president. Enough ballots would be rejected so that the house decided the election. Because they don’t have the votes to pull off this scenario most republicans are wisely deciding to state the election result are valid. Obvously if they had the votes they would ALL state the results are not valid and the house would elect Trump president
Trump has grandchildren in yeshiva
so did Haman
So do many Jews.
No, he can’t “win” a second term. He and his Trump Cult confederates can steal the election from the American people. 50 plus court cases and no credible evidence of substantial fraud–fraud that would change the election. So the only folks trying to steal it are Kool Aid drinking members of the Trump Cult many of whom on commenting in this section.