Opinion: Gov. Murphy is Right: New Gun Rules Will Lead To More Bloodshed

While many are busy hailing the Supreme Court ruling allowing guns in the hands of many more people, I personally think this is a terrible thing for New Jersey, and for the entire Country in general.

I don’t believe there is any reason for a regular citizen to be carrying a gun on the street.

Imagine if you mistakenly cut somebody off on the road, causing him to become enraged. Some people have a temper and do not think clearly when their temper kicks in.

Until now, the worst thing that would happen, is this person yelling and cursing and giving you some hand motions. Now, should you cut off the wrong person who has a temper, you just never know what that same person could do with a weapon when in that state of mind.

Do we really want non-law-enforcement people having access to guns everywhere we go?

You’re right, the person may have gone through a mental health check, and criminal background check. But all it takes is for someone to lose it at the wrong moment to bring about unnecessary bloodshed.

I’m all about people having their rights in this Country, but I believe the supreme court ruling will ultimately lead to more deaths.

Even though carrying a gun could prevent criminals from carrying out attacks, the rarity of that happening doesn’t justify the need for hundreds of thousands more people carrying guns.

I’m not a fan of Governor Murphy in general, but in this case I think he is right.

A Toms River resident.

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  1. Maybe people will think twice about allowing an incident to become road rage? The point is you can protect yourself but it also should make other think twice about how they treat or react to someone. It’s sad but the fear of a gun may actually help people learn it’s important to respect others.

  2. Before you start saying only cops should have guns, please look up the crime rate amongst cops and then compare it to the crime rate amongst CCW Holders.

  3. You, of course are entitled to your beliefs and opinions. I, also am entitled to mine. That is what is great about America and our system of government. Our constitution grants us certain rights via amendments, some of which make up the Bill of Rights. The 2nd amendment which has been upheld several times by the Supreme Court, gives citizens the right to bear arms. You don’t have to like it, but it is still a right granted to citizens of the US.
    As far as your road rage argument goes…. Do you have any idea how many people are already illegally armed in this country. What makes you think that being legally armed will make someone go crazy and start shooting because of road rage? Statistics show that legally armed people have lower arrest records than even police officers and we are talking about way less than 1%.

  4. Mr. Toms River resident, you’re giving Toms River a bad name. You need to learn American history, read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to understand why there is a second amendment right to bear arms. The point of citizenry having weapons is to prevent the very thing that caused the American Revolution, a tyrannical monarchy or government usurping the inalienable rights of
    It’s citizenry and imposing harsh decrees and laws.
    The founders of this country did not want its citizens to be powerless and easy prey to tyranny.
    If a person is going to kill somebody because of a road rage incident, it’s not because he has a gun it’s because he has a mental disorder and or an immoral upbringing as a child and young adult. The crisis in America is that of the morality not gun protection.

    • That same enraged person can ram you with his car and have a much bigger chance of killing you. Guns don’t kill, people kill! They can use a gun, a knife, a car or anything else.

      • I love this argument. The point of the second amendment is specifically so every person can have a gun. The idea behind this is that if you outlaw weapons some people will still have it but it will never be widespread. The second amendment was supposed to make it second nature that if you wanted a gun you can have a gun and it was fully legal. This way if the government does anything tyrannical there would already be a military of up to 300 million people ready to take them down.

  5. And by the way if the 95% of society who are responsible logical and rational citizens were all armed, they’d be able to shoot dead the 5% that’s terrorizing the rest of the country commit acts of violence and terrorism.

  6. I agree with the comments. Instead of thinking about the consequences of road rage, think about people being saner and smarter because of the (new) consequences of how the world changed in your life and on the outside. In other words, we have to drive safer and be smarter and realize the real consequences. People armed will not necessarily flip out, but God Forbid in an active shooter situation can save many innocent lives.

  7. Freedom to practice any religion. Freedom of speech…and so on.

    All your rights are backed by the second amendment, the right to bear arms.

    Without the second amendment protecting all others, you have nothing.

    Think again very carefully about limiting 2A. You might end up on a bread line…..or worse back where we were in Nazi tyrannical Germany.

  8. A few things:
    First of all, it’s a good thing the constitution doesn’t care about your opinion. Government does not grant us rights. Government is there to protect our God given rights. So you saying that “you’re all for people having their rights”, means nothing to me.
    Also, you clearly have not done your research. Because law abiding gun owners commit less crimes than police officers, so your whole point is worthless.
    And yes there will be more bloodshed – the criminals will be the ones getting shot for attacking law abiding citizens.

  9. This is simply your opinion. But not the facts. A quick Google search for road rage stabbings in nj will show you at least 1 this year and 2 last year. Now you tell me again why I shouldn’t be a able to defend myself.

  10. A agree with Toms River resident. The more people who have guns, the more opportunities there are for shootings that are unwarranted. I would not feel safer if more people on the street had guns, even if they’re good people. I would feel very uneasy knowing that the people around me are armed

    • You are clearly someone who only knows how to play victim. How much good did that do as our grandparents were being marched to gas chambers (unarmed).

      Harden up, or move to canada/Australia were your forced to do all kinds of things. You’ll be begging for gun rights

      • In Canada guns are Layla to use to hint and for target practice but illegal to use to protect oneself, as per Dictator Trudeau, they rather one be murdered than defend oneself.

  11. Glad you mentioned this is your opinion, because it’s not fact. Why don’t you look at the statistics of states that have allowed ccw for years. There is nothing to suggest that anything you fear will come to bare.

  12. Studies prove that gun owners are no safer than non gun owners. Why waste my time & expense on a gun when it does nothing to add to my safety. I’ll take out my sefer Tehilim, give some tzedakah, & I’m good to go. That’s how Yidden got their safety throughout history. We relied on the Rebono she olom to protect us, not our weapons. A weapon is rarely a qualified hishtadlus for a frum Yid. If your looking for a kosher hobby it might be Ok but there are more productive ways to keep busy. Lakewood is not the West Bank B”H, It is a safe city.

    • Oy, oy! Where to begin answering such misguided notions as are expressed here. Where to begin listing the DOZENS of instances throughout Tanach when Jews took up arms (swords, knives, spears, bows & arrows, i.e. the weapons’ technology of the generation) to defend against our enemies, both individually and as a Klal. Sorry my friend, but the halacha is not as you opine:

      ”If someone comes to kill you, arise and kill him first” (Sanhedrin 72a; Choshen Mishpat 125:1)…with what?…your feather duster?

      If the residents of a city come under attack, they may violate Shabbos and take up ARMS to defend themselves (Eruvin 45a)…get it? With ARMS, not with tzedaka coins.

      “It is a mitzvah for all Jews who are able to come and help defend their brethren to do so” (Rambam, Hilchos Shabbos 3:23)…I don’t think Rambam meant defending against swords with wooden spoons.

      “So the Jews struck at their enemies with the SWORD, slaying and destroying; they wreaked their will upon their enemies.” (Megillas Esther 9:5)

      Living in these times of Chevlei Moshiach is fraught with danger; anti-Semitism is increasing everywhere, including here in vulnerable Lakewood! I believe it is oh-so-foolish to promote a shtetl mentality which leaves us impotent and defenseless. More and more of us should be arming ourselves, just as the Jews of Shushan were armed, to successfully defend against our determined enemies.

      ‘NUFF SAID!

  13. Are you saying Texas has more gun violence then NJ.

    FYI Texas has constitutional carry.

    Do your research before letting speaking your verbal flatulence

  14. What idiocy, guns are used in self defense more than used in crimes by a factor of at least 5, 80% of the time just mentioning the gun or showing it is enough. Banning guns or concealed carry means only criminals will have them or carry them.

  15. Most states are either permit less or shall issue and there is no rise in gun usage in road rage incidents in any of those states. Do some basic research instead of fear mongering.

  16. You are so right, in the 43 states that allowed permit less carry or were shall issue prior to the decision, the roads ran red with blood of those shot in road rage incidents.

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