Opinion: Another Mass Shooting: It’s Time for Constitutional Carry Across America

Today, there was yet another mass shooting in America. This time, ironically, during a parade celebrating America’s independence.

According to the initial emerging reports, it appears a shooter opened fire from a rooftop during the parade, killing multiple people and injuring over a dozen more.

Liberal politicians immediately jumped on the opportunity to announce even tighter gun legislation.

This is yet another low attempt by politicians to play on people’s emotions and further their agenda to push for more gun control.

But they have it all wrong. Very wrong.

Ask yourself this, did this shooter have a legal weapon? Did he obtain a permit for this firearm? The answer to both those questions is most likely “no.”

So how is preventing law-abiding citizens of the U.S. going to prevent bloodshed? The only way to stop a criminal with a gun is by arming good people with guns.

Think about this for a moment: Had a large number of parade-goers been armed, and spotted the shooter shooting up a crowd, don’t you think someone would have pulled his legal weapon and shot the suspect dead?

Don’t you think that arming citizens with legal guns will prevent more bloodshed?

To say that more gun-owners will increase the violence, is absolute nonsense. It is gibberish used by politicians who are looking to put more control on our lives, for no other reason other than to control our lives more than they already do.

It’s time for all America, on this Independence Day, to take back our constitution, including its Second Amendment. Constitutional carry is everyone’s right.

It’s time for Americans to take back their freedom, and live in peace with less bloodshed.

Abe S.

Lakewood, NJ

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    • Calling it misinformed and dumb is a very intelligent argument that completely proves you are right. If you cant even explain why something is wrong and offer a different opinion with facts to back it then keep quiet.

  1. Ummm, Abe …
    There were PLENTY of “good guys with guns” there.
    (Otherwise know as “police.”)

    And there was nothing they could do about stopping a rooftop sniper. Not only that, they couldn’t even CATCH him.

    I suppose you think that random people, however, would have been able to pick him off from ground level?

    Or maybe the good guys would have gotten together, to charge up the steps, to the roof, to confront the sniper face-to-face?

    How many of your “good guy” friends are even capable of running up a few flights of steps w/o getting a heart attack, let alone going there for a shoot-out?

  2. There are currently 393 million legally owned guns in the US. If legal gun ownership is the cause foe a spike in crime or shootings; there should be thousands more mass shootings. The answer which is unfortunately suppressed is that legal gun ownership protects people. Think about the recent shootings: Uvalde a gun free school zone, Chicago where only gangsters can have guns, while in several church shootings in Texas in 2019 the shooter was disarmed by armed citizens faster than you can call 9-11. To all those saying that you should just rely on the police: take a look at Uvalde as mounting evidence proves the police mishandled the situation, could have gone in earlier, and stopped an armed off duty officer from entering and potentially disarming the shooter. The July 4th shooting took place in Chicago with one of the strictest gun laws in the country yet also with one of the most shootings. It’s sad that people at the parade were just sitting targets to a madman and had no way of stopping him.
    Bottom line look at the cities with the strictest gun laws and look at their armed robbery and murder rates and tell me how gun control prevents anything. Some background checks ok but taking away the right to carry is both unconstitutional and only makes everyone less safe

  3. There is no data behind this, yet plenty of data behind other solutions, yet the conservatives keep on harping on about ‘the good guy with a gun’. ‘Good guys with guns’ have hardly ever stopped a shooter with a gun.

  4. When I told someone that we need to allow more freedom for people to CARRY guns to defend themselves, he told me, “Let’s not get CARRIED away.”
    But I told him that what he is saying is exactly what’s happening because people are indeed getting carried away…. in stretchers. So how can he say, “Lets not get carried away”, when that’s exactly what’s happening! But he just walked away from me and said, “Sorry, but I’m not into puns.”

  5. The problem here is that everyone on either side always take extreme all or nothing positions.
    Uvalde school was in a no gun zone. If teachers were permitted to have guns, the massacre may have been prevented.
    On the other hand if sales of the type of weapon used was more heavily restricted, the massacre might also not have happened.

    • Spot on! I’ve been screaming this from the rooftops but no one listens. No assault weapons, but more civilians with simple shotguns.

  6. To The peaked cap:

    You really ought to look into things before you speak. If you had bothered to look into this, you would have found reliable studies that show that “good guys with guns” stop many incidents every year.

    By the way.. Have you ever seen a gun store get robbed?

    • The rest of the world seems to know better than the US.
      The rest of the world has mental health issues like the US.

      But mass shootings are a singularly American phenomena. With much more ‘good guys with guns’.

      • So semantics are more important to you than death and injuries? Does it matter to the families what you call them. It’s murder, plain and simple.

        • Dumb response. No one calls for gun control after terrorist attacks, and for good reason. If you consider this distinction semantics, why not also throw in abortion rates, death penalties, gang activity, wars, and medical malpractice?

          • How’s this for semantics: A circle fits inside a square and a square fits inside a circle and both have the same volume. So the square is the same as the circle. Follow the science.

  7. Good luck with that:

    The following bills cleared both chambers this week and Murphy just signed.

    A.1302 Ammunition registration.

    A.1765 Manufacturer liability.

    A.4368 Microstamping.

    A.4370 Mandatory training for FID card issuance.

    S.1204 Registration of guns by new residents.

    S.2846 10 years in jail for previously legal gun kits. (“Ghost Guns”)

    S.2905 Bans .50 Caliber BMG.

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