Op-Ed: Lakewood Election: Just Who To Vote For

By: Aaron Joseph. In my mind’s eye, a perfect representative for us, the people, is the best from amongst us. Now of course no one and nothing is perfect other then God. However, he who strives to be Godly is good enough for me. Of course when faced with a task of selecting one of two or two of four in an election I seek the best of the pair(s).

I personally would not vote for a confirmed atheist or a bigot. These do not represent the best from amongst us- and to say the very least, such type are not Godly. In this year’s election – none seem to be atheistic or bigoted. So who to vote for.

In the world in general- and in the business sector specifically- life experience in the given field is an overriding factor. Successful life experience that is. A few years back the majority of the American public elected an ‘unknown’ inexperienced man as its president. I need not mention the direction the country has taken, as I need not mention his name. Maybe things would be the same- but experience counts- so does our president’s lack of experience.

Of course our current president promoted all his wonderful accomplishments and prior voluntary work while running for office. He made sure we all knew of the books he had published and the wondrous dreams he wrote of in them- which has absolutely nothing to do with his- or our reality today. Our president while running made sure that we all knew of his tremendous educational accomplishments that he had accumulated under his belt- yet he mostly hid his background- even as minutely as his birth certificate.

This brings me to two more things. Education and background.

When faced with the obligation of perhaps hiring our next town Mayor, it is incumbent upon us to hire someone with the highest degree of educational accomplishments and a most wide ranging background and world knowledge as possible. After all, if a man is to do the best job he can, should he not already come prepared with all the equipment he has earned for himself and which can be stood upon while serving us. Of course the aptitude to properly utilize all he’s got is priority. If given the choice, wouldn’t it make most sense to choose he that possesses the better of these two all important attributes in their political portfolio.

But what it all boils down to is experience. A man can be brilliant. A man can be charismatic and even sound profoundly knowledgeable. But it is only through his life’s experience and accomplishments that he can properly be defined.

I am not saying that an incumbent candidate automatically deserves reelection by virtue of his simply having been in office previously. Throughout American and electoral history there are prime examples of incumbent politicians who were a total failure or worse. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton are just two examples. Both where known to be brilliant, and they where also both known to be highly charismatic- and the United States was ever successful as a country during their tenure. Yet both had their true color finally come forth and earned the ire of the population during their second term. Mr. Nixon resigned and Mr. Clinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, both having been recipients of censorship for personal failings. Other public servants throughout history simply could not benefit the public, and hence were not to be reelected.

Yet let us face it, someone who holds an office is already knowledgeable in its callings and experienced in its dealings. If there is no cause to change other than for change in and of itself- should not consistency, reliability and even stability be an overriding factor? For starters, it is far easier for other neighboring township governments, and county, state and even federal officials to deal with people in our township government that they are already accustomed to dealing with, and perhaps have a professional if not personal relationship with already. Isn’t change for the sake of change simply silly in the bigger scheme of things? Our current president while running for office campaigned on one word: Change. – Boy oh boy- were we ever in for one! Go out and vote. Vote consistency. Vote experience.

While there have always been those who say “I can do it better.” That expression leaves most feeling stymied. How can that political wannabe possibly know for sure that he can do it better? In essence what I think he means to convey is: Give me the chance to be paid by you to learn about the job on the job at your full expense- so that in three years time someone else can claim that he can do my job better then me.

I for one remain unconvinced.

While no one appreciates pressure regarding just who to vote for, it might be beneficial for all of Lakewood to simply do a bit of real homework- should you choose to vote in this years township election. This homework would benefit us all.

Find out who can truly accomplish the job that we as a community expect to be done. Who actually does have the education acumen and background to best benefit you and I. Who has already accumeulated the life experience and wisdom? Who has the experience and professionalism that would most positively promote Lakewood and its citizenry? Go out and vote – but know what you are doing. In essence, be an educated voter.

There are many significant attributes about the candidate that a voter should be aware of before casting a vote. Know- not just the name and the smile that you are voting for. Know who and what is behind it.

And in the final analysis, experience counts.

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  1. You are not clear what you mean by education? Someone who sat ten years in college is not nessasry any better then someone who lernt in yeshiva.
    What we the people need is
    #1someone who cares about the high taxes.
    #2 someone who has the guts and power to do something about, not just krechtz.
    and I dont know if that can be found by by any of the people running for lakewood office

  2. Interesting how the author knocks the accomplishments of Pres. Obama so easily. I guess saving the nation from a major depression, implementing health care for American Citizens, Killing Osama Bin Ladin, and many Al Quada terrorist, protecting us from a domestic terrorist attack, lowering taxes for working people, getting the Dow to double it’s value since he took office, getting us out of Iraq and soon to be out of Afthan. I would say those are pretty good accomplishments. It’s sad that political ideology trumps the truth. I question his judgment in selecting any representative. Steven and Ray sound pretty good to me.

  3. a lot words in this post but not of very much content as to any useful information .
    of course you should vote for the best canidate , if the past is any indication of the future we failed miserably doing that . just look at the mess this country is in , in my oppinion Obama will go down as the worst president this country has ever seen. spending out of control, a health care law that is a disaster, unemployment out of control,

  4. The proof is in the pudding. Lakewood is the only town in the area that has had no cuts in services in the past three years and my taxes went down this year. I will be voting for the incumbents

  5. “learnt”???
    Voting for someone just because they are your “friends”…how stupid!
    Just like voting for who your told to vote for.

  6. anyone who just votes party lines is the reason why this country is in trouble! there are both good & bad in both you must do your homework and choose the best person for the job and not someone who has a personal adgenda and is not willing to make tough decissions based on facts and not whether he or she can get re-elected!!!!!!!!!!

  7. # 3 I am ” curious ” what Kool-aide that you are drinking ? The things that you are giving Pres. Obama accolades for are either window dressing or short term fixes to long term problems. He is no better than his predecessors. If anything the ling term effect of his policies are going to drive us into a depression. Or worse make us into the ” United Socialist States of America ” Wake up and look beyond the front page of the NY Times or the Washington Post

  8. @17 – Killing Osama was did not become a short term fix until Obama did it. Now Republicans are like, “Osama? Who’s that? Why did they have to kill him without a trial?”

    For some reason, Republicans have an irrational fear of President Obama. I don’t think he’s doing a great job, but a big part of what he hasn’t done is because of Republicans doing everything they can, including unprecedented filibustering, to stymie his attempts to govern. I guess they’re hoping that if they can just stop him from passing laws for one more year, they can get someone really good into the White House, someone like MIchele Bachman, who helped write a book about how America should be a Christian theocracy, or Jon Huntsman, a random trust fund baby from Utah. That’s when things should really turn around.

  9. Why are we comparing our candidates to the menuval Clinton? As far as Obama is concerned, the only reason he is not doing so well is because he thinks he has all the answers, and doesn’t need to consult with anyone else. Only one candidate is like Obama in this regard, and he is an incumbent. What about Hal? He has been living in Lakewood for all of 5 years. Wow! I am sure he understands how this town works, and what our needs are!! All considered, my votes are reserved for Ray & Raitzik only!!

  10. The candidates that can help Lakewood the most are Halvorsen and Raitzik. Hal is the seasoned professional that will deliver good ideas and practical management principles. Moshe will provide the youthful, energetic side for current and future office terms.

    Both candidates are men of principle and good will. This combination of candidates will serve Lakewood best. Let’s all get behind Halvorsen and Raitzik. Let’s give them a chance to serve on the Governing Body.

  11. How about voting your own mind, not being told who to vote for. Try it you might like it. And taxes ,if all paid them they would go down, mine didn’t they went up.

  12. Listen here cowboy bill. It’s a shame to see you turning your back on the two people who have helped you much. Well the good folks of Rock Ridge don’t forget our friends easily. On election day we will be pulling those levers for Steve and Ray.

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