Oorah Video: The First Jewish Flash Mob – in Lakewood

Flash Mob[COMMUNICATED] The first ever Jewish flash mob took place recently in a local kosher grocery- and it was all captured on video.

It was the kids of Oorah who started it, an organization known for their outstanding kiruv, their auction with valuable prizes, and their insane marketing. But the flash mob brought the campaign to a whole new level, getting Lakewood shoppers- donors and donors-to-be, involved. The flash mob was unexpected and inspiring, featuring a special message.

What a flashmob, what an organization!

Watch the flash mob here.


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  1. I am an oorah torah mate who learns with someone for the past year, and can honestly say that if not for oorah, this family’s 3 kids would be in public school, where they were until this year, and know nothing of the beauty of Judaism. The whole family is helped so much, with packages of information and gifts each yom tov, and support throughout the process of becoming more religious, and knowledgeable about their Jewish heritage. I know that oorah is short on frum people who can give a half hour of their time to read about basic jewish subjects (from books and material that THEY supply) with men or women who want to learn more. I see such a massive difference in the life of the person I am learning with, and their family, all from a half hour a week! If you don’t have money to donate, even a tiny bit of time each week is such a great mitzvah, and you don’t need much to contribute! It is truly saving generations.

  2. cute. ANd good for oorah. BUt just a note for accuracy there are plenty of Jewish flash mobs that happen in israel….MAybe this is the first one in LAkewood or the first Orthodox one…. Let’s not forget you’re Jewish even if you are not observant as in Lakewood.

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