[COMMUNICATED] Gourmet Glatt, the new one-stop-shop grocery is the hottest store in town. With their spacious aisles and large selection, Gourmet Glatt is fast becoming the most popular store for pre-Purim shopping.
While Gourmet Glatt has many hard-to-find items, the one item that you’re guaranteed not to find anywhere else is… the Fiveish keychains! The Fiveish keychains are a Gourmet Glatt exclusive. You can find them near the checkout counter and purchase them as you would any other item. Give them your phone number and you’ll automatically be entered into the auction prize featured on your keychain. Help your kids join the newest Fiveish keychain craze!
And don’t worry- the keychains, keeping with the Gourmett Glatt mantra, are guaranteed to be “always fresh, always gourmet”!