[COMMUNICATED] With a winter storm forecasted and snow days predicted, parents are stocking up on water, flashlights-and advil! “Stuck at home with the kids and nothing to do gives me a headache”, says an anonymous Lakewood mom. “The kids go stir-crazy, they’re bored and drive me up the wall, “says another.
In advance of the Motzai Shabbos storm, Oorah released Fiveish videos to entertain kids throughout the blizzard. The kosher videos will be hosted on their website and will keep kids entertained in a safe and kosher way. It’s not just kids who love Fiveish videos!
Click here to enjoy.
My kiddies are all enjoying, thanks!!
Perfect timing. Kids are staring to come in from a whole day out! Thank you oorah for something for the kids to look forward to.