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  1. I pass by this intersection twice a day, and often see these helpless truck drivers trying to make this turn. Its been ripe for disaster for a long time. Time to relocate the kircha and make a truck merger from 88 to cedarbridge

  2. Just a suggestion since we hear and see these too often. Maybe these lights especially on the tighter corners should be moved farther back in the curb and raised so the poles are higher and further from the street?

  3. Sources say the truck driver insisted to officers who arrived at the scene that he was involved in a light accident. When officers gave the driver a quizzical look, the driver told them, “Look, I crashed into a traffic light. Isn’t that a light accident?”

  4. TLS, when will your readership get to vote to block Asinine Commenter permanently? Don’t you realize he has become a ubiquitous peanut gallery?

  5. Agreed with by the square. I don’t post often, but asinine commenter is just annoying and should be blocked from all posts.

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