Only 72 Hours Left to Join This Powerful Segulah for Shidduchim!

The singles you know are waiting—for their bashert, their chuppah, their future homes.

On Sunday, January 19, 2025 (19 Teves 5785), Shas for Shidduchim will gather 400+ lomdim to complete the entire Shas in just 24 hours, creating a powerful z’chus for singles everywhere.

Sponsor a daf for up to five people—your child, sibling, friend, or even yourself. This could be the z’chus that ends their wait.

Submit your names nowbefore all the dafim are sold!

Double the Impact: Your sponsorship also supports ChesedChicago’s shidduch and wedding assistance programs.

Act Now: Sponsor 5+ dafim to receive a lucite shtender or a new book on shidduchim.

The singles are waiting—don’t wait to act. Sponsor a daf today and join this transformative effort to create simcha and shidduchim.

ChesedChicago, founded by Dayan Shmuel Fuerst, provides critical assistance to families in need through its 80+ programs, offering goods, services, and financial support. Ma’aser money may be used for daf sponsorships.

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