VIDEO: One driver was injured in an MVA involving an overturned vehicle this afternoon. The accident occurred at the intersection of Clifton Avenue and 9th Street. The driver of the overturned vehicle managed to climb out of the vehicle. He was transported to KMC for observation.
The driver of the other vehicle was injured and transported to KMC by Hatzolah. TLS-63/TLS-CCP/TLS-60.
We need back “The Dash Cam Guy”
KIDS get out of the way the whole lakewood doesnt have 2 come its not right 4 the people involved
good job herbie
we need more traffic lights in our town
9th Street in very hard to go down:
Make it ONE WAY
Make a real driveway to exit on both sides
Parking should only be aloud on one side of the street
Crazy, its becoming an everyday occurance , WHY ?
just noticed also why some kids get hurt ~ two little boys in a yard playing NO PARENTS to be seen and one of them on the roof of the Van parked in the driveway. Way to go and then they will say I was only gone for a minute Here is the deal it only takes one second of stupidity to cause you a lifetime of grief WATCH YOUR KIDS ! ! !
parents watch your bain hazmanim bochurim!!!
aloud—–example speaking aloud
allowed—–parking should only be ALLOWED on one side of the street
#5…We need better drivers in our town!
When I read the postings on this site I can see how much people have learned in their respective schools.
the streets that do not have a traffic light are a right turn ONLY, not a left or dart across the street becasue you are too lazy to go in the right direction, I have had too many near misses becasue of cars turning where they shouldn’t or going across Rt. 9. There are signs posted at every intersection so please for eveyone’s safety FOLLOW THE LAW!!!!!
Why are there so many accidents in Lakewood? Doesn’t anyone pay attention to traffic and roads or are they all busy on phones?
And to #5, more traffic lights, you have got to be kidding me! Why don’t we put a traffic light on every corner, that way traffic will never move.
never had a problem going down 9th street before
what changed?
what we need is people to start acting like adults and drive like one!
Wow someone is critical about spelling. This is a forum where people voice their opinion not to be criticized about their spelling or grammar.
this town has terrible drivers!! i think the dmv should make people in lakewood take their drivers test over!!!
Accidents always happen if u don’t want accidents than hop on a horse and buggy
I will say this Ive seen alot of women on cell phones. Ive seen kids standing up in the parents vehicles. These are all distractions.
to: I’m going to class
too: That’s too much ketchup.
#5 and # 21:
speaking is aloud, and ketchup is two.
to #14
if its done in ny than it can be done here to
our town is no longer a town its a city and requires more traffic lights like all other cities have
#23 says who ~ its still a town, to bad it will be a city ~ city life stinks
I love the way everyone jumps on the bandwagon – hears half the story, assumes the rest. The story grows a beard so long, the beard grows a beard. It wasn’t a bachur in bein hazmanim (it was a married person), it wasn’t going across Rt. 9 so that he should have made a right (it was Clifton)… it’s one thing to sling criticism, it’s another to jump to false conclusions and accuse everyone of everything.
Another prob in lakewood is that kids just leave their bikes and toys in middle of the sidewalk waiting for people to trip over them