VIDEO: Officials yesterday took part in a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the opening of a new children’s playground at the Tiferes Bais Yaakov school. The state-of-the-art playground was generously donated by Dr. & Mrs. Rich Roberts.
“This is pleasure in its purest form”, Dr. Roberts expressed after cutting the ribbon to the new playground, “That they’ll be happy in the playground that I was able to facilitate.”
The event was attended by the Township Committee members, as well as by Police Chief Rob Lawson. TLS.
Kol Hakovod Rich!!!
I’m a big fan of what Rich does. I appreciate him like so many others in town. Rich does plenty more silently then what goes reported publicly.
Rich, please, for the sake of our children and the next generation, please allow some of the more spiritual oriented donations you so secretly give, to become more publicized. That way a public example can be gifted to everyone that big money men such as yourself don’t just make huge grand carnivals and school playgrounds or political tables at dinners.
Show us all by virtue of some huge stellar event for the Mir or Lakewood or even Tomchei Shabbos.
Signed, A Lakewood Fan!
Beautiful, Rich
wheres the chief, all I see is black suits and hats…..
Rich is what we should learn from gives and gives with a smile thank you
thank you dr
i am very proud of you
we need more people like you in out town
Yasher koach and thank you!!!!!
i strongly disagree with #2
dovy you don’t say why. He has a point. (told you i’d answer you here!)