Officer David Sussman On School Bus Safety, Hitch Hiking & More

Shalom, and may I wish you all a happy new year (a little early). School is open and there are a few things that I’d like to remind you about. If you’re a student of any age and you’re riding the bus, you must stay seated. The bus is designed to be safe for you if you are seated, not standing. If seat belts are provided, please use them. Just because a bus is larger than most other vehicles, it doesn’t mean you’ll be safe in case of an accident.

If you are hoping to get a ride to school from someone who will stop for you, this is called hitch hiking and it’s illegal. Instead of standing on a corner in the hope of getting someone to stop, walk towards your destination so you’re getting there quicker. If you’re a driver and you feel as if you’d like to give a young man a ride as a mitzvah, make sure you stop your car in what would be a legal parking spot. Do not stop in the roadway or at an intersection because you are breaking multiple laws (i.e. improper loading/unloading of a passenger, impeding the flow of traffic, etc).

As we get closer to Rosh Hashanah, try to plan your celebrations well in advance so as to avoid rushing around last minute which inevitably leads to speeding, careless driving, improper parking, accidents, and other unpleasant things.

We all want to be safe and healthy and a little forethought and consideration of others will go a long way to meeting that goal. TLS.

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  1. what about BUS DRIVERS stoping completly at Stop signs. They are blowing the stop signs and then block the right of way cars that are coming claiming they were aleady into their turn – never completly stopping at stop signs. See this almost everyday

  2. What about following the laws of the road. I beleive everyone driving took a test and had to pass it to be able to drive. What happened,did everyone forget what they learned? Another thing has anyone noticed how nice it is to drive on a Sat. Just like old times when the roads were safer.Come on people slow down and abide by the traffic laws.

  3. What a nice town. Cops shmoozing it up with the people. There is still a certain charm and unity in this town. Just wish people would focus on some of Lakewoods positives not just the gangs.

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