Off-Road Dirt Bike Rider Hospitalized after Crashing into Tree

PHOTO: A dirt bike rider was severely injured today after crashing into a tree, an official confirmed to TLS. At about 12:30 this afternoon, the approximately 21 year rider was reportedly riding together with a group of other men on a dirt road off of Ridge Avenue, when he collided with a tree.

Police and EMS responded and found the injured man approximately a half mile off the main road. The driver was semi-coherent and suffered a fractured femur and other injuries, the official said.

He was tranported to Jersey Shore Medical Center for treatment.

Police are investigating the incident. [TLS-CCP/TLS-MK]

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  1. Horrible. A couple of families have them in the Chestnut area. They should be banned. It doesnt take much brains to realize that you dont drive these things like animals when children are present. And these same people would scream at drivers for speeding in their neighborhood.

  2. Semi coherent . Was he wearing a helmet ? B”H he will recover. Most of these kids grow up with a very limited childhood. Better this happens now than if / when he has a ” Mid-life Crisis ” .

  3. To #2.
    The accident happened in the woods.
    However, those of us living in the area, have to put up with them constantly going up and down our streets, to and from, in and out, of the ‘woods’. Plenty of noise and near misses, as well as racing on the public roads.

  4. I live near that area and its no big deal as far as the noise ,have never seen them ” as well as racing on the public roads.” Hope this guy has a speedy recovery . to all who complain about others who enjoy this type of activity I ask WHY ? and no I do not ride a dirt bike but its not for me or anyone else to decide what others do for fun

  5. MARK MY WORDS!!!!

    that area may be come TENT CITY #2. there are lots of tents/stuff/etc.. in the woods. I live close by.

  6. This was my friend and he isn’t 21. He’s 26 and he is still in jersey shore with severe injuries. The leg broke and came through the skin and he has already been through surgery. He wasn’t driving crazy or like a maniac at all. To the 3rd comment yes he had on a helmet and goggles the boots and a chest guard. You can see the helmet in the picture above that he had on. He didnt hit the tree like they make it sound. His leg hit part of the tree that was sticking out. To the top comment he wasn’t driving like an animal and there were no children out there. And no he wouldn’t be the one yelling about fast drivers because he minds his own business which is something maybe u should consider before assuming you know someone. This man is always with my kids and he would never do anything stupid with kids around especially. My kids are heartbroken to go and look at him all swollen and in pain in the icu in jersey shore. Luckily he will be ok in time and so for those of you who defended him and his right to ride his dirt bike thank you and for those of you who think you know him or think you get it grow up and stop being so ignorant. Regardless what the situation a man is severely hurt and you should have compassion for the human race and the family that has to go through what they do.

  7. Just so you know I have lived in Raintree my entire life 30 years and counting and I have been riding dirtbikes in those woods since the age of 9 and my older brother since he was 7, we never abused riding on the street or anything like you are implying. And I don’t know what part of Raintree you live in but the south side Long Beach/Laguna area don’t have issues with bike and I can’t tell you a time that we did. How long have you lived in Raintree? My family has been in the same house since it was built!

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