VIDEO below from the Star Ledger of the news conference today. Listen at 1:00 into the video to-when Weysan Dun speaks about the many who were arrested-how he says “and of course, a number of Rabbis…”. How would it sound if he said “and of course, a number of blacks…”? You decide.
U.S. Attorney, FBI hold press conference on corruption arrests |
your reading too much into it. he's just addressing the media reports.
stop trying to make this in to an anti Semitic lynching. Its not get over it. Its a chillul hashem made by our community.
I was so impressed with this website, when you wrote that you were not naming people involved in the scandals, and then you posted this video with names in it. 🙁 🙁
aah,the nine days,always something interesting happens.
hold on tight everybody.want to make money?sell soap on a rope.
Saying not the same as saying Jews..
Its like him saying Priests were arrested..
gimme a break
Cillul hashem
He said "of course," one, as a way of ending a list, and two because they are one of the most talked about people in this case, so "of course" everybody knows about them. Also, it is quite obvious you never took, or did not do well on the SATs. Analogy: Jew is to Rabbi, as Black is to….no wait that's not right…Rabbi is to Priest, as Jew is to Black? Nope…
The Orthodox community needs to stop screaming Anti-Semite if they ever want respect from the rest of the community.
Frum is to "Anti-Semite!"
as Turtle is to shell?
Think about it.
the only thing we can do today is make more efforts to make a kidush hashem to fill the void of this terrible chillul hashem.
talking about it or who is right or wrong, will not bring moshaich. lets rise to the challenge & be above it & make an extra effort to be mekadesh shem shamaim
Why are you all defending a GOY !!! shame on you "esav sona es yaakov" even if someone did something wrong.
"Why are you all defending a GOY !!! shame on you "esav sona es yaakov" even if someone did something wrong."
It is people like you that really bring down the Jewish community. You only care about yourselves. You don't give a damn about the rest of world and you think god handpicked you to be the best. Someone else once thought the same thing, I'll give you a hint, he had a small mustache and a straight arm. Every person on this planet is equal, and until you realize it, you are just going to keep bringing shame, pain, and the torment of other religions and nationalities down upon the Jewish people, and with an attitude like yours, sir, I'm sorry to say this, but you may deserve it.
You said it all with your comment. It doesn't matter that what they did was wrong, if your Jewish your right, if your a "goy" your wrong. Shame on you for labeling people. Who granted you such authority? Guess it will never change…
Those of you living in Lakewood need to stop looking like FRUM Jews and acting worse than Reform Jews who actually might be the only true FRUM Jews in America. When I drive through Lakewood I see most everyone holding the phone to their ear while driving, you park in handicap spots with no handi cap tag, your kids wont injury there head when they fall riding a bike no helmet its the law under 16 in NJ.
So of course you ignore the secular laws and when caught scream anti semite.
I want to thank all of you for getting me to the point of questioning my own frumness.if we dont start figuring out how we can all GET ALONG moshiach will never come.
YES it is the 9 nine days instead of preparing to fast why not work on ahavat yisrael and try to bring moshiach I would much prefer to feast next Thursday than fast.
and of course is not a way to bring them last this is a anti semitic remark DOESNT mean that they were wrong for arresting these people. You do something wrong/illegal you get arrested but the remark is DEFINITELY NOT called for !!!!!
you can tell from looking at the guy talk that he has contempt for jews
"Why are you all defending a GOY !!! shame on you "esav sona es yaakov" even if someone did something wrong."
You probably see programs or articles on white supremacists and think to yourself "how could these people think like that, they are sick." Take a look, because you are no different.
TLS how can you have forgotten to remind us that there was a woman in this video?!! C'mon if we wouldn't see women in videos like these maybe we wouldn't have guys landing up arrested like this?!! Shame! Shame! 🙂