OCPO: Swatting Insect Caused Fatal Accident; Reminds Drivers of Dangers of Slightest Distractions

ocean county prosecutors offc tlsThe Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office says a fatal accident on Route 539 was caused when the driver and passenger attempted to swat an insect.

“The investigation by Plumsted Township PD, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office and Ocean County Sheriff’s Dept CSI found that both the driver and passenger were distracted while swatting at an insect within the car causing the car to drift across the highway center line,” said Al Della Fave. “This accident highlights how even the slightest driving distraction can have tragic consequences.”

The accident on November 9, 2015, at approximately 9:49 am, involved a two vehicle head on crash in which a 1995 Chevy Camaro Z28, driven by Dylan Magee, 19, of Millstone, along with passenger, Alexander Pannizzo, 18, of Millstone, was traveling south on Rt. 539 when their vehicle crossed over the center line and into the northbound travel lane. A 2014 Peterbuilt tractor trailer, driven by Norman Bird Jr., 73, of Allentown, NJ was traveling north on Rt. 539 when the Chevy Camaro came into his lane and collided head on.

As a result of the crash, the Camaro passenger, Alexander Pannizzo, was pronounced dead at the scene at 10:53 am. The Camaro driver, Dylan Magee was taken to Jersey Shore University Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries. The driver of the tractor trailer, Norman Bird, Jr., was transported to Hamilton Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.


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