“Flu activity has reached “moderate” levels in Ocean County, according the New Jersey Department of Health Respiratory Virus Surveillance Report,” said Daniel Regenye, Ocean County Health Department (OCHD) Public Health Coordinator. “Around this time of year, we usually begin to see a rise in flu activity. The OCHD is continuing to offer flu clinics through the month of March, when we usually see flu activity decline.”
Flu shot sites are offered at the Toms River, Lakewood and Stafford sites of the Health Department and can be accessed by visiting the Health Department’s website at www.ochd.org. Medicare Part B covers the cost of a flu shot. The OCHD also offers the pneumonia shot, which is also covered by Medicare Part B. For those without Medicare Part B, each shot costs $20.00. A physician’s note or prescription is required for a pneumonia shot for those under the age of 65.
Flu shots for both adults and children will be offered at the same time. In addition, any child in a licensed pre-school who is under the age of 60 months, will be required to get his/her flu shot between September 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015.
If you have any questions regarding flu/pneu shots, please call 732-341-9700, ext. 7604. Again, please visit the OCHD website at www.ochd.org to view the entire flu/pneu schedule.