Ocean County is receiving $12.8 million for work on local road and bridge projects from the State Department of Transportation.
The money is part of $161.25 million in Fiscal Year 2023 County Aid to help make infrastructure improvements on the local level and is funded through the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund (TTF).
County Aid funds are apportioned based on population and road mileage in each of the state’s 21 counties, and each county selects the projects that receive funding.
Projects may be improvements to public roads and bridges under county jurisdiction, or other transportation related work.
Governor Murphy has previously signed into law a new schedule for County Aid in which NJDOT must inform counties of their allotments for the current fiscal year by July 31 to help counties better plan future projects.
Counties are required to submit eligible projects, identified in the County’s annual Transportation Program to NJDOT for approval prior to December 1, 2022.
Ocean County’s $12.8 million is the second highest grant in the state. Only Bergen County, which received $13.7 million, received more. Monmouth County received $10.1 million.
If only rt 9 was a county road….