Ocean County Recycling Activities get Boost from Grant

recycling center tlsSuch popular recycling programs as the Ocean County Household Hazardous Waste Collection program and the Master Composter Program will continue in 2016 with the help of funding from a state recycling grant.

Ocean County anticipates receiving $580,446 from the 2015 Recycling Enhancement Act Tax Fund – County Entitlement Program. The County annually submits a spending plan to the state on how it will disperse the funds.

This program, according to Freeholder Gerry P. Little, who serves as liaison to the county’s Solid Waste Management Department, provides funding for solid waste management and recycling activities from a $3 per ton tax levied on disposal facilities.

“With this funding we can continue recycling programs that provide numerous environmental benefits and assist our citizens,” Little said. “This grant program returns money to the County and also its municipalities.”

Municipalities participate in the program with 60 percent of the funds returned to the towns under the state’s tonnage grant rebate program. The amount received is based on the amount recycled.

Little noted that Ocean County plans to use about $100,000 to continue the county’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection program, which allows citizens to rid their homes of a host of hazardous items which are then properly disposed of under the program.

“Recent changes to the household hazardous waste program which provides for collections to be spread throughout most of the year has made the program more accessible and convenient,” Little said. “This is a program we want to see continued. Giving homeowners the ability to properly dispose of substances like boat cleaners, paint thinners and a host of items makes for a cleaner environment and a safer home.”

In addition, Ocean County intends to use the money to support the Ocean County Health Department recycling compliance program, and the Ocean County Master Composter program.

“Our master composters help educate and provide information on the importance of recycling,” Little said. “Our residents who go through the program give back to the communities and that is a key component of the program.”

Little said the County will also use some of the money to help partially fund the purchase of a roll-off truck and a wheel loader.

The equipment is used to move materials and for the county’s composting program.

“All of this helps with the county’s recycling efforts,” Little said.


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