‘No Patience Required’: Amazon Same-day Delivery now Available in Lakewood

amazonAmazon has announced that they have expanded their Amazon Prime delivery to more metro areas – and Lakewood is included.

“Order in the morning (typically until noon), and your package will be delivered by 9pm, seven days a week. Order in the afternoon or evening, and get FREE One-Day Delivery,” the online retail giant announced.

The free service was added to Charlotte, Cincinnati, Fresno, Louisville, Milwaukee, Nashville, Central New Jersey, Raleigh, Richmond, Sacramento, Stockton, and Tucson.

apThe service requires Amazon Prime registration.


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  1. TLS, You are making it sound like this is bad for society…. Lets say I need something today and can order it on Amazon for cheaper than the big box stores why is that a bad thing? Why is that called not having patience????

  2. TLS isn’t saying anything about no patience required to knock anything or anyone. That’s Amazon’s slogan for this new service, nothing to do with TLS

  3. Ba’al HaSheleg, when you write incoherent, do you mean you do not know what sdd means?

    Read after me:
    S – ame
    D – ay
    D – elivery

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