Texting while walking across a street could soon land you with a fine in New Jersey.
Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt has introduced a bill that she says would decrease the number of pedestrian accidents in the state.
“Accidents due to pedestrians distracted by cell phone use is a significant and growing problem, not just in New Jersey but across the nation, Assemblywoman Lampitt said. “Since 2010, there has been 35 percent increase nationally in the number of accidents related to pedestrians distracted by their electronic devices. As people’s behaviors change so must our policy.”
Distracted pedestrians, like distracted drivers, present a potential danger to themselves and drivers on the road, the Assemblywoman said.
“A pedestrian distracted by their device and unaware of oncoming traffic, may cause unsuspecting drivers to brake suddenly or swerve out of the way creating a potentially deadly situation for drivers and other pedestrians. An individual crossing the road distracted by their smartphone presents just as much danger to motorists as someone jaywalking and should be held, at minimum, to the same penalty. This is exactly what my legislation does. If a person on the road – whether walking or driving – presents a risk to others on the road, there should be law in place to dissuade and penalize risky behavior.”
If the bill passes, pedestrians found in violation of the law could be slapped with a $50 fine.
they will have to hire more cops in Lakewood to enforce the texting and walking and the driving and texting.
Another Democratic fund raiser.
When is the madness going to STOP!!!!!?
No doubt Ms. Lampitt is a Democrat- seeking to pass more and more laws to protect people FROM THEMSELVES! Why do we need more and more laws for government to be people’s babysitters and nannies? It’s one thing for government to try to protect people from OTHER PEOPLE’s irresponsibility and harmful actions; that’s part of its job. Not to be everyone’s babysitter to protect from their own stupidity.
Maybe a walking license to cross streets should be required as well.
From themselves? We need Ms. Lampit and those like her to protect people like me from selfish people who are so oblivious to their surroundings that they text while crossing the street, often not even checking if they have the light so absorbed are they in their texts. these same selfish people walk down the sidewalk with barely 1/4 an eye on their surroundings and routinely bump into people. they do this while shopping too.
So to Ms. Lampit I say, fine them, and fine them again until they realize they are not the only ones who occupy this planet.