NJSP in Lakewood Once Again for Distractive Driving Enforcement

njsp cell phone summonsNew Jersey State Police Troopers are out in droves in Lakewood once again, conducting an enforcement detail.

Police Chief Rob Lawson tells TLS they did not notify him of their detail, but the enforcements are generally a one-day event. The NJSP conducted a similar enforcement detail in September, as well as in July.

The Troopers were primarily conducting enforcement on the southern part of Route 9, in the areas of Prospect Street, Sherwood Drive andĀ James StreetĀ and Route 9, and pulling over vehicles for cell phone and seatbelt violations, drivers – one of whom received the pictured violation – reported.


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  1. Dont drive near there!! I got a ticket last time in sep for $400!!!!! My cell phone was on speaker and was on hold with doctors office. They just want your money!

  2. Cell phones create a distraction and seat belts save lives. If you violate the law you should get fined and when you do this you are endangering me and my passengers. Follow the law.

  3. Cell phones are a big distraction to any one behind a wheel of a motor vehicle.I like to see a Law Enforcement Officer pulling every driver over that is on a cell phone and giving them a $250 ticket. Then lets see how many drivers put that cell phone down and drive.

  4. Im glad the NJSP is in Lakewood. I drive through everyday and everyday hundreds are driving and texting. Lakewood is extremely dangerous with that many bad drivers not paying attention. I wish they patrolled every week.

  5. The reason why state police come into towns heavily forced is because the municipality’s have a local ordinance and a state ordinance and if the state doesn’t get their share of the pot that’s when you see them driving in your town and h Ivins summons

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