NJSP back in Town with heavy enforcement

The Troopers are reportedly primarily in the Downtown and BMG Yeshiva area.

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    • No they did not come for your cash. They came because many people are not hanging up the phone as they enter their cars and start driving while they are still on their phones from an earlier conversation.

  1. Great use of police resources. Around BMG they’ll definitely pick up some hardened criminals like um…. a yungerman coming late to seder or something like that.

  2. Chaim. Why are you so cynical. Coming late to Seder is a non moving violation. Saying a קרומע סברא is a 3 point ticket. I think that’s what they’re here for

  3. For some reason they never catch the guys that do crazy things. Just today I witnessed a guy making a u-turn on Cedarbridge. He didn’t look like he’d be found near BMG. Probably not from our town at all…

    Another guy zipped around me over double yellow lines. Will these guys ever get caught? Not if the cops are parked on 10th street! Traffic is too slow there for there to be any meaningful violations.

  4. For the hundredth time. NJSP makes no money on the tickets they write. I traffic ticket issued always always always goes to the town it was issued in. Someone who received a ticket from NJSP in Lakewood would be responsible to the Lakewood Municipal Court. If they pay the fine or goes to Lakewood. Stop spreading misinformation.

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