Director Jared M. Maples of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP) unveiled the 2019 Terrorism Threat Assessment detailing the threat landscape throughout the State. The assessment provides information regarding the activity of homegrown violent extremists (HVEs), domestic terrorists, and international terrorists, as well as cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats to first responders.
The 2019 assessment is NJOHSP’s 12th edition and will drive the strategic direction of the State’s counterterrorism efforts in the year to come.
“The threats to New Jersey and around the country are constantly evolving, and we have had to adapt our methods of prevention and response,” said Director Maples. “NJOHSP remains dedicated to being at the forefront of intelligence analysis in the physical and cyber realms through continuous integration and innovation of intelligence collection and technology along with our private- and public-sector partners.”
Although there are no credible threats to New Jersey at this time, HVEs continue to pose the greatest threat to the State due to their support for terrorist groups overseas, the unpredictable nature of their attacks, and their inclination to view online propaganda. HVEs are individuals inspired—as opposed to directed—by foreign terrorist organizations and radicalized in the countries in which they are born, raised, and reside. While foreign terrorist groups encourage them to carry out attacks, their actions are often influenced by personal grievances. Fifteen individuals were identified as HVEs nationwide in 2018, representing a 59 percent decline from 37 individuals in 2017 and continuing the downward trend since 2015.
Domestic extremist attacks also decreased from 23 in 2017 to 16 in 2018. Individuals or groups following anti-government, race-based, and single-issue ideologies were responsible for these incidents. Anarchist extremists, militia extremists, sovereign citizen extremists, and white supremacists remain moderate threats to New Jersey.