NJMVC to Begin Implementing Law Requiring 50 Hours of Practice Driving for Under-21 Permit Holders

Starting February 1, 2025, the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) will begin implementing a law requiring permit holders under the age of 21 to complete a minimum of 50 hours of practice driving, 10 of which must be completed during hours of darkness, before they can be issued a probationary driver license.

This new requirement will be in place for permitted drivers who are under the age of 21 and issued either a special learner’s permit or examination permit on or after February 1, 2025. After these permitted drivers complete practice driving and pass their road tests, they must certify that they have completed the required supervised driving hours.

To fulfill the requirement, a Certification of Supervised Driving must be completed and signed by the parent, guardian, or supervising driver attesting to the applicant’s completion of a minimum of 50 hours of practice driving, including 10 hours during darkness. This form must be presented by the applicant at the time of licensure along with all other required documents.

While teen and young drivers are encouraged to use the driving log in the Share the Keys Resource Guide to track their hours, only the submission of a signed Certification of Supervised Driving (NJMVC Form BA-CSD) will meet the supervised practice hours requirement. The submission of the driving log or any other form is not required by the NJMVC.

Since permit holders under the age of 21 must wait at least six months from the permit issuance date before they can take a road test or submit the required documents for a probationary driver license, the NJMVC will not begin processing Certification of Supervised Driving forms in Licensing Centers until August 1, 2025.

The requirement to complete 50 hours of practice driving and submit a Certification of Supervised Driving is not effective for any holder of a permit that was issued prior to February 1, 2025. Additionally, the requirement is not effective for any driver license applicant aged 21 or older at the time of issuance of their permit.

This new requirement is authorized by legislation signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy on January 8, 2024. Driving schools and high schools with driver education programs will be advised of the change in licensure requirements in separate communications.

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