NJGOP Leader Doug Steinhardt Entering Gubernatorial Race To Challenge Governor Murphy

New Jersey Republican State Chairman Doug Steinhardt is entering the the race to receive the GOP nomination to challenge Governor Murphy’s bid for another term in office, the New Jersey Globe reports.

Steinhardt, perhaps Governor Murphy’s fiercest critic in New Jersey, will face several other candidates for the Republican nomination to face Murphy in 2021, most notably Jack Ciattarelly, a former Assemblyman who is already campaigning across the state and has already amassed a war chest of over $1 million.

While Steinhardt has yet to make his plans official, he plans on resigning from his current position as the state chairman for the Republican party in order to run, the Globe reports.

Steinhardt’s bid for governor will also have veteran strategist Bill Stepien as its campaign manager. Stepien was most recently the campaign manager for President Trump’s reelection campaign and was also the campaign manager for Chris Christie’s successful campaign for New Jersey governor and subsequent reelection campaign.

The 52-year-old Steinhardt served five terms as mayor of Lopatcong, and has served as the Warren County Republican Chairman since 2004.

Photos from his 2019 visit.

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