NJ Transit Strike threatens ‘Epic’ Monday Morning Commute

gsp traffic tlsWith a New Jersey Transit strike looming on the horizon, AAA is encouraging all motorists to plan ahead for what could be an epic commute Monday morning. Potentially 105,000 displaced New Jersey Transit riders will disrupt all commuters regardless of their usual mode of transportation, clogging our already congested roadways.

AAA is encouraging all New Jersey motorists to make a plan now so commuters do not have to scramble Monday morning.

Tips for Commuters:

  • Stay up to date with NJ Transit happenings at njtransit.com/railstoppage
  • Look for alternative routes to work avoiding major highways
  • Consult co-workers for car pool options
  • Speak with employers about options for working remotely
  • Consult local transportation management associations about ridesharing options
  • Plan to leave significantly earlier than normal to reach your destination
  • Make sure you have a full tank of fuel before heading out in the event there are significant delays
  • If you do not have to be on the roads during peak commute hours it is best to stay home

New Jersey Transit has said it will be able to handle only about 40,000 of the 105,000 commuters who travel by train to New York City each weekday. That leaves 65,000 commuters looking for alternative options.

“In a recent survey by the AAA Clubs of New Jersey motorists were asked to rate their satisfaction with their regular commutes, 45 percent say their commute has gotten worse,” according to Tracy Noble, spokesperson for AAA Mid-Atlantic.  “In the event of a New Jersey Transit strike that number would certainly double.”

In a state as congested as New Jersey, where our roadways cannot take on additional capacity public transit is a critical part of our transportation system. That is why AAA continues to advocate for proper funding mechanisms to ensure that residents have a viable, affordable, accessible alternative to the roadways.

“New Jersey commuters deserve safe and reliable transportation that is not detrimental to their quality of life,” Noble added. “To put it simply, there is no safe way to convert the volume of New Jersey Transit riders into cars, our roadways bare that strain.”


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