And yet again, two New Jersey State troopers helped a woman deliver a baby girl on the right shoulder of the Garden State Parkway north in Hillside Township early Monday morning.
At 4:14 a.m., the expecting mother was being driven to a Hospital by her husband when she realized they were not going to make it. The couple stopped on the shoulder at milepost 143.2 and dialed 9-1-1.
When Trooper II Alex Muro and Trooper Arnaldo Mateo arrived shortly after being dispatched, they found mom-to-be already in labor in the back seat of the car. At 4:26 a.m., Tpr. Mateo was cradling a newborn baby girl. Both troopers assisted with cutting the umbilical cord before handing her over to mom.
Mom and baby were transported by ambulance to the hospital where they were last reported as doing well.
“These recent newborns should form a club when they’re older,” NJSP joked.
Please don’t listen to these stupid labor coache’s
They should be shut down
There is nothing wrong with coming early to the hospital. You don’t need to put your baby’s life in danger by “holding out” and take the spinal immediately no.mitzvah in waiting.
This is ridiculous. We need a local hospital….
and then make club of women who would like to know why kimball closed it’s birthing unit…. if lakewood won’t deliver its children – nj state police will
Appropriate for last week’s parsha!
Ki Chayos Heinah!
This is wild! I’m so very glad our men and women in uniform are equipped to deliver babies but all will agree that the circumstances are less than ideal. The fact that Lakewood has no place for mothers to give birth is a travesty of the highest order, especially given the high population of childbearing mothers!! We are putting moms and babies at risk by having them travel to give birth with the distinct possibility that some might not make it in time to the hospital. Thankfully this story ended well, but if the baby required oxygen at birth, or worse, a NICU, it could have been tragic.. Something must be done to address so glaring a need in our community!
Mile post 143 is way past Jersey Shore or even Monmouth Medical Center. There is no reason anyone needs to be traveling to RWJ or Valley or the city. Local doctors are very qualified to handle the vast majority of low and high risk pregnancies and deliveries.
May I suggest Lakewood Hatzolah give a refresher course to NJSP on OB emergencies?!
On the one hand it is a travesty that people need to travel out of town to give birth. On the other hand, how much longer could a hospital be viable if such a large percentage of patients are really not paying customers???
Additionally, not having a hospital is a real issue that Askanim need to deal with. It can potentially be a dangerous matzav. Enough with the silly and trivial issues. We have no hospital! We will have no busing for our kids and we have a tremendous property tax base. Something is amiss.
To all you local hospital advocates this has nothing to do with having a local hospital. This is about mothers leaving too late to go to the hospital. These pregnant women need to be taught the risks of giving birth in the car & maybe then they’ll go to the hospital at the right time. No one likes spending too much time at the hospital we get that. But safety is first and car births just aren’t safe
To #1 and #9-
Don’t be so quick to blame the mothers for leaving too late to the hospital. I gave birth on GSP around 3 years ago. I had a prior history of very long labors, and left to the hospital 30 minutes after my first contraction. The other comments are correct: LAKEWOOD NEEDS A LOCAL HOSPITAL WITH A LABOR & DELIVERY UNIT! The current situation is ridiculous!
Lakewood has a relatively local hospital: Ocean County Medical Center in Brick. It is roughly 8 mnutes down Rt 88. I have delivered 7 children there, safely and happily. There are OBs on call 24/7, wonderful nurses, there is an neonatal department… I have never understood why someone would want to travel any further…
Brick hospital is great! 10 minutes away from lakewood (with traffic)!
I had 9 children there and highly recommend it!!
im sorry i shoudl have been dan lkav zchus.
however, this is just one of those things that push my buttons
Lakewood doc- all due respect you dont mention what type of doctor you are but there actually CAN be a reason why women go to the city for their high risk births. The local hospitals may not be an option for everyone. Having said that i fully agree that Ocean Medical Center FOR ME was an excellent choice quite a few time while Kimball was not.
Some Women need a high risk dr which the local Dr’s may not be the answer to those needs. I talk from experience and yes I started off with a local dr before I had special Needs but now I travel to exit 163. Wish there was competent and nice closer. I have tried but proven wrong.
And, take into consideration that not all offices accept all insurancd
To “lakewood doc”- don’t blame pple for using a doc that don’t deliver in monmouth or jersey shore.I personally did go to a momouth doc for my first pregnancy but changed (after i lost the baby) to a hospital a little further do to complications and had a healthy baby a year later- high risk doctors see more high risk patients so they know what to do as apposed to a “regular
” doc who sees women with no problems. I dont want to judge this lady but most people I know who didn’t make it to the hospital was because of there own fault of leaving late- nothing to do with a hospital being 35 or 55 minutes away. We do need a hospital for people to have baby’s but if someone chooses to go a little further there is a reason for it and you can not judge.
I agree! Brick hospital is wonderful and I had all my children there. Also never understood why anyone would need to travel further