NJ MVC Now Shifts ALL Vehicle Centers to Appointment-Only

The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission has announced that, starting Monday, December 14, all MVC Vehicle Centers will be open by appointment only. No walk-ins will be allowed at any Vehicle Centers.

“We’ve made tremendous progress in clearing the backlog of registrations for newly purchased used vehicles, which enables us to move fully to an appointment system in Vehicle Centers, reducing our capacity but increasing customer convenience,” said Sue Fulton, Chief Administrator of the Motor Vehicle Commission.

Appointments at Vehicle Centers for new titles/registrations and registration renewals for customers ineligible for online renewal are scheduled at NJMVC.gov. Recently, appointments were added at Vehicle Centers for duplicate or replacement titles.

Appointments during the hours 2-4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays continue to be reserved for seniors. Eligible customers 65 years and older should look for the dedicated appointment option at NJMVC.gov.

At Trenton Regional/Vehicle Center, Regional services will continue to be available on a walk-in basis, but not regular vehicle transactions. Regional services include certain suspension and restoration services.

In early November, the MVC shifted ten Vehicle Centers to appointment-only. The remaining six Vehicle Centers will join them, starting Monday.

MVC Licensing Centers offer service by appointment for Out-of-State transfers, in-person renewals, and driver knowledge tests. Licensing Centers offer walk-in service for a new license, non-driver ID, or permit.

The MVC has added more appointments at all locations for improved customer service.

“While the new surge of COVID-19 cases continues to impact our staffing, we will be adding more appointments every day to accommodate those whose appointments were canceled due to COVID quarantines,” Fulton noted.

To make an appointment for any service, customers should log on to NJMVC.gov and scroll down to the “Schedule an Appointment” box or use the “Make Appointment” menu header. Appointments are scheduled a rolling 30-day basis.

Most basic license and registration renewals or replacements can be completed online at NJMVC.gov. There are nearly thirty different online services and transactions available at the MVC website.

The MVC has implemented many changes in recent months. To help identify whether a transaction is available online, by appointment, or by walk-in, customers should check the new “How do I…?” Cheat Sheet in the Quick Links on the MVC home page.

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