Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli, an Army contractor with security clearance who worked at Naval Weapons Station Earle, has been charged by federal authorities for his alleged participation in the storming of the US Capitol in Washington, DC on January 6th.
In the criminal complaint filed against Hale-Cusanelli, prosecutors say that he bragged to an informant about his participation in the riot, and additionally took video of himself inside the building. The complaint states that Hale-Cusanelli is an “avowed white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer who posts video opinion statements on YouTube proffering extreme political opinions and viewpoints.”
While most of Hale-Cusanelli’s videos have been removed from major platforms, TLS staff viewed a video posted by the individual in April of this year in which he rails against and spews anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and statements against Lakewood’s Orthodox Jews. The contents of the video, being vile and repugnant, will not be shared on this platform.
Sources have also told TLS that Hale-Cusanelli was a regular poster on Jackson Strong and Rise Up Ocean County, both anti-Semitic groups, with RUOC having been targeted by Governor Phil Murphy and Attorney General Gurbir Grewal for the hate spewed by its members. TLS has not yet been able to independently verify this claim.
Another leftist Biden lover.
yes, but judging from your comments, it sure isnt the only one.
You are wrong. He is an admitted white supremist/Nazi and Trump supporter. Look it up. That’s whose side you are on if you supported Trump.
These far right wing conservative neo-Nazis are not our allies. They would attack us just as they would attack the Democrats.
Well said.
I don’t understand how Lakewood became the biggest supporters of our worst enemies. These white supremacists hate Jews more than anything.
I think both you and “J” are confusing white supremacists with conservatives. Of course, the left and the media (but I repeat myself) have made every effort to conflate the two in order to destroy the conservative movement.
his access to the weapons stockpile at Earle, was the security of the Navy’s storage facility compromised?
Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli, an Army contractor with security clearance who worked at Naval Weapons Station Earle, has been charged by federal authorities for his alleged participation in the storming of the US Capitol in Washington, DC on January 6th. Mr. Christopher C. Miller is the Acting Secretary of Defense, appointed Nov. 9, 2020. Think Chris Miller and read between the lines. Note the capitalized dates.
Earlier this year, he Performed the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (ASD) for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict. He also previously served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) for Special Operations and Combating Terrorism (SOCT). Mr. Miller was responsible for overseeing the EMPLOYMENT of special operations forces in counterterrorism, Military Information Support Operations (MISO), Information Operations, unconventional warfare, irregular warfare, direct action, special reconnaissance, foreign internal defense, counter proliferation, sensitive special operations, and personnel recovery/hostage issues as specified by the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Miller was sworn in as the DASD for SOCT on Jan. 6, 2020.
From March 2018 (MIDTERM Elections) through December 2019, Mr. Miller served as the Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism and Transnational Threats at the National Security Council (NSC). In this position, Mr. Miller was responsible for strategic level policy making and implementation, and support to senior NSC and White House leadership. Mr. Christopher C. Miller is the Acting Secretary of Defense, appointed NOVEMBER 9, 2020.
Earlier this year, he Performed the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (ASD) for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict. He also previously served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) for Special Operations and Combating Terrorism (SOCT). Mr. Miller was responsible for overseeing the EMPLOYMENT of special operations forces in counterterrorism, Military Information Support Operations (MISO), Information Operations, unconventional warfare, irregular warfare, direct action, special reconnaissance, foreign internal defense, counter proliferation, sensitive special operations, and personnel recovery/hostage issues as specified by the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Miller was sworn in as the DASD for SOCT on JANUARY 6, 2020.
What if I told you that this commented was pasted? Can you do that? Does that make me any more credible? I am not the creator or administrator of this website, you might say I’m sort of a guardian angel.
Hmmm. What was the name of the conservative party in Germany in the 1930’s?
Zentrum, Prussian Monarchists for example. Leading conservative politicians were murdered during the Night of Long Knives by the left wing Nazi Socialists. Leading conservative figures were also implicated in the July 20, 1944 plot to kill Hitler, leader of the left-wing Nazi Socialists.
Now, what was your point?
Is this racist related in any way to that loud mouth Rise up/Jackson strong woman Jennifer?
@truthlaser If you think that the left tolerates neo-Nazis you are sadly mistaken. It was leftist street gangs — the first antifa — made up of young Jewish unionist, socialist and communist men that fought the Nazi brown shirts in the the late 1920s and 1930s. Look up the history of the “battle of cable street” where the Jews and communists fought side by side against the conservative fascists in the UK.
Go ask any modern KKK, neo-Nazi or alt-right member if they are liberal and they will tell you that they are conservatives. The man arrested for the riots at the Capitol who wore the “auschwitz staff” shirt said he is a conservative.
You are the one who is mistaken. Nazi is the abbreviation of the Nationalsocializtiche Deutsche Arbeiterartei. The National Socialist German Worker’s Party. The fact that commies fought them is only proof of fraternal strife, both fighting for the same political turf. The practices of the Nazis were also highly socialist: socialized health care, central government planned economy, state ownership or state partnership in industry.
Hitler or Stalin could tell you they were conservatives and it wouldn’t make them conservatives. Likewise, they liked chocolate cake, but that doesn’t make everyone who likes chocolate cake a murderous tyrant. Conservatism has nothing to do with racial superiority. On the contrary, the Republican party, home of conservatism, was founded as an anti-Slavery party that despised racism.
The KKK and Neo Nazis are regarded as idiots and kooks by every single mainstream conservative commentator and politician. On a very popular conservative website, FreeRepublic.com, anyone espousing such views is immediately banned.
The fact that you could point out 1 or 2 people exhibiting anti-Semitic slogans in a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people actually proves that they are the rare exception rather than the rule.
Is there anti-Semitism? Of course, but it has nothing to do with the Conservative political movement. In point of fact, you will find much more anti-Semitism on the left nowadays, even within Congress (Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, eg).
The Far Right are Conservatives! Black, Jews And Catholic they hate! So im confused how anyone in those three groups can be a conservative! I think some people are uncle toms and think if they kiiss Rush, Levine, snd Liddy back side they wont take them out! lol Im selling the Brooklym Bridge Alt Right= Conservative they hate you!
Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Norman Podhoretz, David Horowitz, Dennis Prager, Andrew Breitbart, Jeff Jacoby, Charles Krauthammer, Michael Savage, Michael Medved all Jews. All leading conservatives. Do you think they are all part of a group that is inherently anti-Semitic or is it possible that you have bought into the notion that because the media calls white supremacists “right wing” that makes them conservatives or because they like Trump they are conservatives?
@Reuel yes, the original Nazi party was an anti-establishment political party that had both far left and far right members. One of the most powerful Nazis in the 20s was a leftist war hero. After Hitler took over he implemented the night of the long knives — the night when the SA killed all the remaining leftists in the Nazi party.
Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.