NJ Gubernatorial Candidate Condemns Bill Which Would Require All Adults in Home of Firearm Applicant to Undergo Background Checks

Rob Canfield, Republican candidate for Governor of New Jersey, is strongly opposing Assembly Bill A5210, calling it an unconstitutional assault on Second Amendment rights and personal privacy. The bill, which requires all adult household members of a firearm applicant to undergo background checks, unfairly penalizes law-abiding citizens for the past actions of others and violates fundamental constitutional protections.

“This bill is an outrageous overreach by politicians who have no respect for our rights,” said Canfield. “It punishes responsible gun owners based on who they live with, rather than their own qualifications. This is not just about firearms—it’s about government control and setting a dangerous precedent for denying rights based on association.”

A Clear Violation of Constitutional Rights
Under A5210, any New Jersey resident applying for a firearm permit would be denied if any adult in their home has a disqualifying criminal history, mental health issue, or is on a government watchlist. This legislation effectively strips law-abiding citizens of their rights due to the past actions of someone else—a concept that is wholly unconstitutional.

“This bill would deny fundamental rights based on guilt by association,” Canfield declared. “What’s next? Background checks for free speech? A restriction on voting if your roommate has a criminal record? The politicians pushing this nonsense should be ashamed.”

Demands for Immediate Action
Canfield is calling for the immediate removal of any legislator who votes in favor of this blatant attack on the Second Amendment. He is urging voters to hold them accountable in the upcoming 2025 New Jersey gubernatorial election and beyond.
“Any legislator who voted for this bill has betrayed their oath of office and should resign immediately,” Canfield said. “The people of New Jersey deserve leaders who defend their freedoms, not work to strip them away under the guise of ‘safety.’”

A Dangerous Precedent
Canfield warns that if A5210 passes, it could pave the way for similar policies restricting other constitutional rights.

“This is not just about guns,” Canfield emphasized. “If the state can deny your right to self-defense because of someone else’s background, what stops them from applying this same twisted logic to other rights?”

Could they deny free speech to someone because their spouse once made ‘hateful’ comments?
Could they bar someone from voting because their sibling was convicted of a felony?
Where does this end?

Commitment to Repealing A5210 & Defending

Constitutional Rights
As governor, Canfield vows to immediately repeal any legislation like A5210 and enact stronger protections for gun owners and constitutional rights in New Jersey.

“When I’m governor, this type of anti-American, unconstitutional nonsense will never make it past my desk,” Canfield declared. “New Jersey will no longer be a testing ground for radical gun control and government overreach.”

Call to Action
Canfield is urging every New Jersey voter who values their rights to make their voice heard:
✔️ Contact your representatives and demand they vote against A5210.

✔️ Support candidates who will fight for the Constitution, not against it.

✔️ Join the movement to restore common sense and defend our freedoms in 2025.

“This is about more than guns. It’s about government knowing its place and the people fighting back against tyranny. I will never stop fighting for your rights, your freedoms, and your future.”

About Rob Canfield

Rob Canfield is a Republican candidate for Governor of New Jersey in the 2025 NJ gubernatorial election. A strong advocate for constitutional rights, government accountability, and public safety, Canfield is dedicated to restoring freedom and fairness to the Garden State.

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  1. Once again the reprobates in the Democrat party continue their assault on the Constitution. This bill is a flagrant attack on the 2nd Amendment and belongs in the trash. The Democrat party is a power hungry, leftist, evil entity. Anyone who identifies with them should be ashamed of themselves.

    • do my neighbors also need a background check? they sometimes come by to visit. how about my friends?? what about the plumber or cleaning lady?? how about my handyman?? maybe the nurse for my baby also needs… oh and cousin Lenny who stays by us for shabbos all the time! oh Uncle Fred needs a place to sleep? well not by us because you might grab our gun and start shooting people….That’s not the way it works in america!!! if i rent an apartment with a few guys and one guy wants a gun why do i need to go for a background check im not going to get a gun?? or let’s say i want a gun but one of the guys in my apartment doesnt have a clean record, why should that affect my right to have a gun??

    • I was thinking the same thing when I read this article. My father was a police officer in the 70s and 80s. There was a saying guns don’t kill people, people kill people. It was widely known at that time that law enforcement officers didn’t want guns in the hands of unstable people. It had nothing to do with people’s losing the right to bear arms. It had to do with safety of the public and law enforcement.

    • If unstable adults can access your car, it can be a dangerous situation!

      If unstable adults can access your kitchen knife, it can be a dangerous situation!

      If unstable adults can access your children, it can be a dangerous situation!

      Do you get it? Life is full of risks, but we treasure our privacy and personal liberty, and don’t want the government snooping into our homes and into the lives of our relatives with every possible excuse for doing so.

      Only totalitarian governments compile records of its citizens’ private lives. FBI background checks for everyone in the household? Right… “Big Brother is watching you” [for those not familiar with literature, Big Brother is a character in George Orwell’s 1949 distopian novel, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, where “the Party” compiles dossiers on all of its citizens].

      Of course, this is exactly what the Democrat party wants to do, in order to further weaponize the FBI (as Biden did) to go after political opponents. NO! It’s not about gun safety at all — it’s about widening the net for the FBI to snoop on legal gun owners and their families. No thank you.

      • Ok, so these unstable adults you speak of who may have access to our cars, kitchen knives, and our children should also have access to any unlocked gun in the house so they can use your car to go shoot someone, use the gun instead of a knife, and God forbid use that gun on a child. You still believe what I wrote above isn’t about public safety. You believe it is about taking away our rights. I feel sorry for people like you. I read 1984 in high school in the year 1984. Wasn’t impressed with it then and still not impressed when I reread it a few years ago.

  2. NEW LAW BANNING DRIVING TO WEDDINGS!! you never know maybe some guy drank some alcohol and will steal your car and get into an accident and harm some people…


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