The New Jersey Department of Labor announced today that it has completed testing to program the 11-week benefits extension for more than 75,000 eligible New Jerseyans. Claimants whose benefits were used up and have been anticipating the federally funded extension will be notified by email this weekend. They will be able to resume certifying for benefits during their regular schedule and will receive benefits on their regular schedule, according to officials.
Numerous Lakewood residents had reached out to TLS, saying that it was impossible to get through to the New Jersey Department of Labor to certify for the benefits extension, which officials say was due to the need for them to reconfigure their software, an issue they say is now resolved.
The current extension ends on March 13th, and New Jersey Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo is urging Congress to quickly pass a long-term relief bill so claimants are not stuck in the same situation next month.
Senate Democrats on Friday passed a resolution that will allow them to pass President Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid relief proposal that would extend federally funded unemployment benefits until September without Republican support.
Thank you to all the government officials who stepped up to plate and demanded change!
Now I’m going to ask, what about all the other issues that are plaguing the NJ unemployment office? Do we need to hear the word “Escalate” one more time?? I’m sure all off you who have spoken with an unemployment are familiar with that hopeless term;)
We have been waiting months for some of our benefits. The federal is providing it for us so that we can use it to live with. It doesn’t help to receive it years later! We want every penny owed to us.. now!
We are so frustrated! we have been waiting for our retroactive benefits for such a long time! When Covid first started and the website was overloaded and down (and afterwards when we had an important question and could never get through to anyone) we were constantly reassured not to worry we would get everything back retroactively! It is now since June that we are trying and trying, when we finally get through to the unemployment office, either they somehow try to find a fault in us etc so they can avoid paying or when we insist we hear “it will be forwarded to an escalation dept.” It really is terribly wrong. We need the money urgently and the NJ unemployment office can not keep us waiting now for almost a year!! NY never had a situation of having to wait for months and months to get through to anyone- they had long waiting times, but where always able to reach the unemployment office. Also they got all retroactive payments within two or three weeks. What is going on in NJ is simply Corruption!!!
I think something needs to be done for our community! Somebody needs to step up and represent our oilom who need the money desperately, and for practical purposes are really” being taken for a ride…”
Its late on Sunday night, I still haven’t received an email from NJDOL and my benefits are still $0 when I log in. Issues have not been resolved whatsoever.
i have been employed and PAYING TAXES for 45 years laid off because of civid19 why does unemployment have a limit???? AMERICAN tax payers deserve BETTER
I still haven’t received an email or still can’t claim either I finally got someone on the phone this am but she wasn’t much help she said thousands of people still weren’t in system but that’s not the news I’m reading I work one day a wk and have one foot out my door cs there’s no way to pay rent put gas ,food on the table etc. it’s very hard and so frustrating.
I have been waiting since before Thanksgiving to be able to certify. I received an email that are working on it and claim that I will receive another email as to when I can certify for the 11 week extension. I have not received anything and its been fixed since last Friday! I have been struggling for a couple of months now. I have zero in my account and i just wish that someone can please tell me when I can finally certify. I’ve called and all they say is to wait. I cannot wait much longer as I have literally no money to eat or even pay my cellphone bill let alone rent. Please someone HELP!!!!!!
I thank everyone in advance at NJ Dept of Labor for your hard work and i pray to God that everyone will receive ALL the money due to them .