NJ Chabad Rabbis Light 8th Candle with Governor Murphy and Hundreds of “Zoom” Guests

The Governor and First Lady of New Jersey hosted a unique state wide celebration on the eighth night of Chanukah. Hundreds of state residents and community leaders joined via “zoom” and participated in the lighting of the Menorah, words of inspiration and Chanukah music.

The program included the kindling of the Menorah by Chabad Rabbis Yosef Carlebach and Mendy Carlebach of Chabad House at Rutgers University (who “Zoomed” from Port Authority Inspector Steve Yablonsky’s Office at the World Trade Center); and Rabbi Mordechai Konelsky of Bris Avrohom in Hillside, NJ.

This festive program was also joined by Israel’s Consul General Israel Nitzan, NJ Assemblyman Gary Schaer, and Gov’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Deborah Cornavaca.

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