The NJ American Water Company will change the way meters are installed Statewide, due to a recent incident with a Lakewood customer, the Company announced tonight at the Utility Board Advisory Committee meeting. In response to an incident where a resident’s meter was crossed with a neighbor’s, causing the customer to pay for his neighbor’s usage, the company has announced that they will now be testing each meter prior to it being used. Until now, the Company would rely on the builders recommendation to where meters should be placed, which was a cause for the mix up, a Board Utility Advisory Committee member said.
The customer addressed the meter issue at the last meeting held with the Committee and the company.
The meetings, held monthly with representatives from the water company, are open for the public to address any issues they have with the utility company. TLS.
how about charging the commercial rate in many developements?
Now I know why everytime I turn on the porch lite my neighbor’s sprinklers go on.
they should be thrown out of town.My water bill is so high and never makes sense.
The reason water rates are so high is because there is no competition.
So now they’ll have to raise the rates to cover te “cost” of the changes!
I pay to much
That’s the electric company! I know because I already have the commerical water rate, I get all my local channels in the toilet. Oh,well that’s probably where the shows and commercials should be anyway. Way to go NJ American, keepin it clean. Whoosh.
The sewer system controlled by Nj American is Very Old,allowing ALOT of ground and stormwater to leak in ,adding to the volume of sewage to be treated. We PAY for this big time. There are OLD manholes thruout Lakewood made from bricks,not solid concrete,thus allowing alot of infiltration. Nj American is milking this franchise to the MAX and not putiing back any money to rebuild an ancient sewer system. We will Pay dearly for this
anyone know where i could find the list of meetings scheduled? are these meetings chaired by the water company or the committee?
The township committee has nothing to do with NJAWCO, NJ Gas Co or JCP&L. These are all seperate utility companies owned and operated independantly.
Still waiting to learn how we can get a competing water company in this town.
NJAWC is a private company – not city water. Yet years ago, they fixed the law with the Township that, unless it is not worth it for them, that you can not use your own resources (well) for house-use water.