NJ American Water Begins $4 Million Water Main Replacement in Lakewood

New Jersey American Water today began replacing approximately 2,500 feet of aging wastewater main in Lakewood. The company will upgrade the aging 12-inch PVC wastewater lines with new 15-inch PVC main along Level Lane from James Street to the railroad and Summer Avenue from Prospect Street to the railroad.

This $4 million investment will continue to advance wastewater service reliability and increase wastewater flows for household use in this community. This improvement is part of New Jersey American Water’s multimillion-dollar initiative to accelerate the renewal of water infrastructure that has reached the end of its useful life in more than 100 communities across the state.

New Jersey American Water began the work today, Monday, April 11 and expects to be completed within approximately two months, weather permitting. Work hours will be from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Work outside of these hours is not expected unless required to maintain project schedule. Final street restorations will be completed in fall of 2022.

Project timelines are subject to change due to a variety of factors including weather and availability of supplies.

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