Researchers have found that owning a fast car, a large home and having a good job may only make you happy if those around you are less well off. The pursuit of wealth is leading more people to work longer hours as they seek to pay their mortgages and climb the social ladder. Dr Chris Boyce, of University of Warwick’s psychology department, said Britons were victims of chronic dissatisfaction. He looked at the responses to questions of more than 10,000 people in the British Household Panel Survey over seven years about their level of happiness and compared the responses with their income. The study, Money and Happiness: Rank of Income, Not Income, Affects Life Satisfaction, was co-written by Professor Gordon Brown, of the University of Warwick, and Dr Simon Moore, of Cardiff University, and published in the journal Psychological Science.
The responses showed people were most happy when they had more than their neighbours.
Dr Boyce said: “The standard of living has gone up for each individual over the past 40 years but it has gone up for everyone. So our cars are faster now but our neighbours have faster cars too, so they haven’t got that advantage over people close to you.
“Without the biggest home, or the fastest car then it doesn’t give you that same excitement as it would have.”
Dr Boyce said that pursuit of wealth alone was a vicious circle.
“A rise in income may benefit one person but it has a detrimental effect on others. If I jump up two places in the rank, then the people I jumped ahead of go backwards,” he said.
“So person does not just have to increase their rank they have to work hard just keep up with rather than passing the Jones.”
Dr Boyce said the study found that relentless pursuit of economic growth would produce a wealthier society but not a happier one.
“Making everybody in society richer will not necessarily increase overall happiness because it is only having a higher income than other people that matters,” he said.
Dr Boyce said there was a danger for people to chase the cash at the expense of building strong relationships with family and friends.
“If people are putting income and ranking first then other things may get sacrificed such as family and friends,” he said.
Dr Boyce said the study raises questions about whether the relentless pursuit of economic growth was a good thing for the nation.
But he cautioned that economic growth did provide jobs which were an important requirement for happiness not just for the income they provided but for the sense of purpose they gave people.
He said more money needed to be put into mental health services in a bid to improve happiness levels. APP/Telegraph
Yesh lo moneh rotzeh ………….
so everyone should move to LA!
King solomon wrote a book about this a long time ago!!
Tls u spelld neighbours wrong
azahu asher my hashmaech bichelki
I want to live next to Officer Butterworth and Silberstein
Butterworth for Mayor not meir
Send this report to Washington! Our elected officials want to make everyone happy by giving them everything but how will they give everybody more than their neighbor? I am afraid we will have a lot of unhappy people in this nation!