The following is the announcement from a local organization just opened to deal with problem resolution, with the Haskamah of the Roshei Hayeshivah and Rabbonim: “In light of increasing challenges confronting members of our community (e.g. O.C.D, Shalom Bayis, Internet Addiction, Teen Issues etc…)A new kind of assistance is now available. Although many in need of help seek professionals with secular training (e.g. Psychiatrists, Psychologists etc…) there are others who are interested in an advisor with Torah-based training only. A limited number of appointments are now available with an experienced counselor. For confidential inquiries, please call 732-580-2591 or email [email protected]. Note: The Mashgiach Shlita has allowed us to publicize that he himself has sent individuals seeking help, to this counselor”.
New Organization Opens To Deal With Troubled Teens, Internet Addiction And Other Issues
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this is very good news . one counselor aint nearly enough, but its a good start . it would be nice to know hois name and credentials . why the anonomity? also anyone know what’s EG?
I check TLS many times thru out the day, maybe I need help, maybe I’m addicted.
“E.g” is short for “Exempli gratia” which means “example given”.
e.g. should not have been capitalized; it means for example.
I am happy that finally we have a torah answer to these problems because it doesn’t seem to me that the professionals have an answer.
We need an org. To help kids get into schools and to advise them which school is for THEM
It’s great that this organization has opened, but an announcement of this type without his name, background and written haskomos is worthless.
Why is it that there is no organization to help people that suffer from anxiety disorders?? We have wonderful organizations like, Chi Lifeline, Boni Olam,Every Gmach in the book, which is awesome, yet from what I know (because I am one of them) there are hundreds of people in town that suffer from stress and anxiety disorders and suffer tremendously, yet there is nothing for them to do, Except go see someone once a week for an hour and pay him $175. Something must be done, there is so much suffering that is hidden.
If someone has cancer, would they go to a doctor with “Torah-based training only”? These are serious mental health issues which we’re dealing with here.
#7 couldnt have said it better
So what is “i.e.”?
Correct, Every organazation needs a name and the person running it written, if not nobody is responsible
there are so many issues and sometimes a torah based counselor can help, but this is not the answer. many people need real serious help but cannot afford it. we need some type of support for families who cannot afford the help. maybe the askonim can afford to raise money to have a full time professional counselor or even two. there is a need for more than one and both men and women.
i.e.” stands simply for “that is,” which written out fully in Latin is ‘ id est’. “I.e.” is used in place of “in other words,” or “it/that is.” It specifies or makes more clear.
e.g.”E.g.” means “for example” and comes from the Latin expression exempli gratia, “for the sake of an example,” with the noun exemplum in the genitive (possessive case) to go with gratia in the ablative (prepositional case). “E.g.” is used in expressions similar to “including,” when you are not intending to list everything that is being discussed
one is not enough. We need a team of many and many times these problems arise in families who DON’T HAVE MONEY
Thanks TLS. I was thinking of getting a job which $175.00 an hour without going to college. Since I feel I have alot of experience with myself I am more then willing to help others solve their problems. Just leave your name and phone number and I will get back to you asap.
Maybe my shverr won’t have to support me forever now.
Its intertesting Everybody bwants askanim to raise funds for various types of chesed organizations that we need . What about raising funds for supporting our financially struggling school system our mosdos ?
It doesnt mention if it is free or not. i suspect that it isn’t free…therefore all this amounts to is someone coming up with a different marketing ploy.
BTW..there are plenty of ex Kollel guys who are now social workers..and many more are in training…not that they are in place of a licensed psychologist ..but they do bring torah outlook, with some more understanding of mental illness.
#16 Sam we are suffering big time I have barley eaten in two weeks and barley slept, and you think its some kind of joke?? I give you a bracha that you should never know the pain of a anxiety disorder.
Sadly there is no organization that can fund various medical sicknesses. Yes RCCS will help for CANCER ONLY.
I am doubtful that therapy alone helps. All medical issues and mental medical issue must be addressed by both a therapist and medical professional. In addition a therapist must be trained an experienced in that certain medical mental condition. The therapy for one issue does not work for another as is the same with medicine.
for mental issues which effect many in our community especially post partum we need an organization that is funded but its to big and expensive to raise such funds. If one wants proper care they must work with a reputable therapist who is trained and has experience with the specific type of mental issue (usualy the very good ones dont take insurance). Also a regular doctor is not the answer. You need a doctor who is specifically trained and experienced with the type of medical mental issue. There is a wonderful referral organization by the name of RELIEF- and R’ Binyomin Babad of Lakewood is one of the head people. They can put together and suggest a doctor and therapist for each case.
The phobia of our community is a shame. we need to be more open that post traumatic stress, chemical imbalances , post partum Depression or OCD , anxiety can be triggered by life’s bumps we face today. Many normal families face these issues in our community but g-d forbid admit it. People who go through serious life saving medical procedures sometimes need medicine as its a traumatic experience.
People who would love to be available (who have experienced and pulled through )to help others are afraid of the backlash should it be known.
We have an organization in town named Yad Rochel Aim Habonim which was established to help new mothers for the first few weeks to relieve the abundance of stress and allow them time so they can recuperate. It also HAD proper trained people who would come into a home every morning or night for 6-9 month or even a year to help a mother who had a post partum episode. This allowed for the family units to stay intact and help the mother on her way to recovery. BUT NOW THEY HAVE NO MONEY, WHO WILL HELP THESE MOTHERS? WHO WILL HELP THESE FAMILIES TO STAY TOGETHER?
Problem is the stigma and the longer a person hides the issues from their spouse or doctor the longer it will take to recover. The faster you address the issue the faster the recovery. It is a long haul but it’s very curable. There is no reason to suffer. If you have thoughts, anxious, depressed or such contact your doctor asap so he/she can help you or call RELIEF.
This is a FOR profit organization. Please do not compare to chai lifeline etc
If you are addicted to the internet then get it out of your house. Why do you need to pay a counselor to tell you that. Ill tell it to you for free
Does this include drug abuse
Although individuals with mental illness, addiction, family difficulties can be helped in many ways, it is unfortunate that torah help vs. professional help is seen as a mutually exclusive dichotomy. In most cases, competent professional frum therapists successfully integrate the best of science with torah hashkofos and are able to help. In fact, there is growing interest among psychologists in research and treatment development integrating torah and psychological perspectives. Without vigorous evidence of succesfully outcomes, including randomized clinical trials, it is difficulty to ascertain if therapy is helpful. Although well-meaning, therapy unsupported by medical or psychological science, may even be harmful in some circumstances.
I put a picture of my wife on top of my computer I find it extremely helpful as far as internet addict I don’t think there is such a thing, I once heard a adom chashuv say that there should be a issur yichud with a computer.
Yad Rachel’s IMA Program which is especially geared for women with prenatal or postpartum mood and anxiety disorders (including depression, anxiety, OCD, phobias, panic, etc.) is an excellent program which continues to service to tens of women with PPD and their families. They provide information, guidance, support, and assistance for the family through trained and experienced volunteer mentors. They have a psychiatric nurse practitioner on staff who specializes in PPD, and who charges a nominal fee for her services – not the hundreds of dollars charged by psychiatrists. (Yad Rachel hopes to raise funds via its upcoming walkathon to be able to provide home caregiver services for these families as well so the home can be kept stable until the mother recovers.) This mentoring model would be excellent for others with mood and anxiety disorders, too. Maybe someone out there who understands the need ought to “roll up their sleeves” and create such a program.
How about alcohol abuse
It hurts to see these multiple tzorois what the klal is going thru and the lack of money, maybe a ‘push’ for Moshiach is in place here ; a double-dose forward.
#26 good vort