Night falls, bringing with it an end to the hectic workday. As stores and offices are locked up, men return to their homes to relax and unwind after a long day of business. But for some, the night is only beginning as they quickly grab a bite and head out to learn. Their destination is K’hal Anshei Sfard at 13th and Madison, where, despite the late hour, the beis medrash is filled with the sweet sound of voices learning Torah. For these men, the opportunity for serious learning in a structured setting with others who have spent the day pursuing parnassah is a wonderful and connecting experience. There are serious kollel yungerleit learning there, as well. The working members of the kollel are serious about their learning and while they must spend most of the day at their jobs, they are not ready to give up the geshmak that they get from their gemaros.
Kollel Erev Nachalas Aryeh Eliyahu is a night Kollel geared to the working ben Torah. It offers a chaburah-like setting with chavrusos one-on-one focusing on Gemarah with an additional emphasis on halacha. The Kollel operates nightly from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and concludes with maariv at 10:00 p.m.
For more information or to join the kollel please call 732-600-6888 or email [email protected]. [Reader Submitted]
if its only for one hour, that sounds a bit short. He should be able to do more than just “grab a bite” if it starts at 9:00pm.
oh puleeze! its fantastic. how many guys who work a full packed day could really have the time and mind to put in more then an hours worth od serious learning. why do people always have to criticise?!
Work until 6:30, travel, eat, clean up after meal, do homework with children, help with bedtime, travel… 9:00 would be a blessing.
Seriously??? Am I seeing things??? Did # 1 really write that?? Get a life!
very comendable but working “bnei tora” is an oxymoron. They are choshive Bali Balbtim who are koiveah itim latoira & they are to be looked up to.the name
Bnei Tora should be used for for those who are makrive of themself to learn all day.(I.E. if u learn 2 mishnos a day u are muvtach that u r a ben oilom haba ,but it doesn’t give u a title of talmid chochom)
Yeshiva man- your colors are showing. Don’t rest on the fact that you’re in yeshiva. There are plenty of choshuva working “BNEI TORAH!” who spend more hours learning, and are constantly shteiging in every part of their ruchniyos- learning and otherwise more than plenty of bnei yeshivah. It’s not an oxymoron by any stretch of the imagination- your ignorance pours through.
Mr. yeshivaman, please don’t call yourself a yeshivaman if you are wasting your time on the internet.
Who is the rosh kollel
reply to # 7 #1) I’m a yeshivaman not a ben tora #2 ) I have an ishur #3) I’m doing it bein hasdorim
Don’t get the need why don’t they just go to learn n network kollel?same thing just more established and oFfers all plus more