Yes, another Kollel has opened up in Lakewood. But unlike most others, Kollel Ohel Shlomo is geared specifically towards young men in the “working field” who want to incorporate learing in their day in a Kollel setting/ atmosphere. How is this Kollel specifically geared to working people? The exciting topics are about Hilchos bein Adam L’ chaveiro, which includes any Halachos dealing with another person. Some of the topics are bikur cholim, tzedaka, hiring/firing employees, among many others.
What exactly is included in Mitzvos Kibud av v’em? Should I and to whom should I give tzedaka? What does it really mean to love a fellow Jew like myself?
These topics, among others, are being learned in the kollel.
Of course these Halachos are important for everyone, but especially for people interacting with others the whole day. It teaches us how to work with our families, co-workers, clients and everyone else.
The Sefarim used, called Linas Hatzedek, are a compilation of Mareh Mekomos from the source in torah or mishna, brought down to halacha l’maaseh. Each Mareh Makom is a summary of the main points, written by Harav Yitzchok Berkowitz. Rav Berkowitz is Rosh Hakollel of Kollel Yersuhalayim and Rav of Sanhedria Murchevet.
Our dynamic Rosh Chabura, Rav Chaim Goldblatt Shlita, applies it to real life situations that one can really relate to.
There is a morning Kollel for those who can learn before leaving to work, and a night kollel for those who want to learn at night.
The morning Kollel is for a half hour in between a 7:00 AM and an 8:15 AM S hacharis minyan in Congregation Sons of Israel, on the corner of Madison and 6th Avenue. The kollel members can daven before or after learning. The night Kollel meets in the evening.
Arrangements are being made for a weekly optional women’s shiur for wives of the Kollel members.
There is a monthly stipend.
For more information or to sponsor a week of Learning, please call 732-298-8661 or 732-691-0265. (please leave a message if no answer) or email: [email protected]. [Submitted].
very nice, but it should not be called a “kollel”. this word is reserved only to refer to places where people learn all day.
How much is the stipend?
This is beutiful Harbei Yirbu Kamoscha!
Ppl who work part of thw time and stay focused on torah living ARE ‘learning’
the rosh chaburah is amazing. the stipend is better than expected.