New Jersey Surpasses 1 Million Covid Vaccine Doses Administered

Governor Murphy announced today that New Jersey has now administered over 1 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine. 

Of the 1,037,657 doses administered, 813,216 were first doses, and 224,237 were second doses.

Vaccines first began being administered in New Jersey on December 15th, shortly after the FDA approved the first coronavirus vaccine. It took 29 days to administer 250,000 doses, another 10 days to reach 500,000 doses, and another 16 days to hit 1 million doses administered.

The governor said that they is still “a way to go” to reach the state’s goal of having 4.7 million vaccinated adults by the end of June, but “we need a much greater supply to get the vaccination infrastructure we purpose-built working to its full potential.”

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  1. that the upper class who live in clifton and livingston can go to the mega center in secaucus where the vaccines are just waiting for them over there, BUT the question right now is how many doses of vaccine were ACTUALLY administered in newark, camden, and paterson? and what about the smaller towns who are also full of people? are their lives any LESS IMPORTANT? why can’t we have MOBILE VACCINE UNITS stationed in key locations?

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