New Jersey SNAP Recipients to Continue to Receive Enhanced Food Assistance Benefits in June

All New Jersey recipients of the New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will receive extra benefits in June, the New Jersey Department of Human Services announced Wednesday morning.

New Jersey households eligible for the program will receive at least $95 in emergency benefits or the maximum benefit for your household size, whichever is greater.

The 15 percent increase in SNAP benefits that began last January will now remain in effect through at least the month of June.

The extra benefits are intended to help address food needs related to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

NJ SNAP serves nearly 900,000 New Jerseyans in over 419,000 households, with the monthly SNAP benefit based on household size and income.

If you are a SNAP recipient, you can check your balance by visiting or by calling the number on the back of your card.

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  1. You can show the soda or candy aisles. Not only are they eligible snap items, the program encourages it by removing the sales tax! This maximum plus a bonus makes absolutely no sense. A person based on their income can be eligible for A mere 15.00 but because of covid-19? they now receive thousands a month! And we wonder why there’s inflation.. it’s not Bidens free giveaways it’s the Treasury Department now covering for Biden! It’s amazing to se a supposably independent agency take all the responsibility for The liberals outrageous giveaways!

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