New Jersey’s minimum wage will increase for employers on January 1st, 2021. The effective minimum wage for the majority of employers will rise to $12.00 an hour, with seasonal and small employers seeing a rise to $11.10, and the minimum wage for tipped workers rising to $4.13 an hour.
Additionally, employers with 10 or more workers are required to distribute a required notice from the Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA) in English and Spanish, which can be downloaded here. Employers with 50 or more employees must also provide workers with a Gender Equity Notice, which can be downloaded here.
Automation here we come! There are always jobs that require a low level of skill. When the minimum wage gets raised, those unskilled workers are the first to lose their jobs to outsourcing and automation. Unfortunately min wage increases also hurt the rest of the population as companies are forced to raise their prices on goods and services.
Correct. The employers cant afford giving everyone a raise to 12. So they will raise the pricing. Every single customer will pay the salary increase. Govt thinks its doing a favor??? The extra dollar the employee is making is going to pay for another business’s employees extra dollar. Noone will benefit here. Govt gave them a dollar an hour which is 8 a day but raised the price of groceries cloth shoes etc.which is more that the raise!!! Stupid.